Spanish American War



The Enlistment Sheet Was Opened Monday Night and the Pull Quota was Easily Secured.


According to previous announcement an opportunity to enlist in the service of Uncle Sam was given on Monday evening in Armory hall, and a military looking place it was. The new company was also being organized and between the two matters were lively indeed. In the office rooms, Major Watson, as acting enlistment officer, was kept busy taking names and asking “How much do you weigh?" “What is your height?” “Married or single?” In the drill room all was excitement and the tramp of the “awkward squads,” so called, filled the’ air as they were put through the mystifying command.

As the National Guard companies are being filled up to a war looting, Company K requires 35 more men and that number was secured last night. These men will be mustered in either at Mt. Gretna or by a recruiting officer to be sent here soon. 

The names of those enlisting are given below. They are all single men.

Fred J. Bermon

John F. Holler

Joseph W. Muler

Harvey E. Powell

Charles Sherman Kitch

John Warren West

Hugh James Mitchell

Fred C. Heilman

Harry Hope

Fred Batteiger

Arno Miller

William F. Heilman

Frank J. Golden

Martin Kasby

George Keck

Will Lewis

Toner Hunter

Troy Speir

Ben Wheaton

Fred Spencer

Samuel Hamor

Michael Dambacher

Harry Beaver

George Briggs

Frank Lehan

Charles S. Markle

Bart Brown

Abner McDonald

Frank E. Dambacher

Louis L. Beal

Solomon D. Myers

Howard L. Beck

George Hanson

Andral Zoner Scrivens

Samuel Limbert

Bert Carringer

Frank Skinner

Captain H. N. Donaldson will drill the recruits each evening at the armory at 8 p.m.

Source: Advance Argus, Greenville, PA 5 May 1898, pg. 5

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