

Soldiers Monument - Mercer


Next to the Courthouse 

 Mercer County's Tribute to Her Soldiers 1861 -1865
The Soldiers’ Monument, which stands on the east side of the public square at Mercer, was dedicated November 11, 1897. “Mercer County’s Tribute to Her Soldiers,” is the inscription on its face. The monument is cut from light Barre granite. The base is 11 by is feet, and the height from the foundation to top of flagstaff is forty feet. The figures on either side of the shaft represent the artillery and cavalry branches of service, and surmounting the shaft are figures showing peace crowning victory. This monument was built under the law empowering the county commissioners to erect such a memorial upon petition from a specified number of tax-payers. Seven thousand dollars was appropriated for the purpose. The celebration at the dedication of the monument was one of the notable gatherings of people at the county seat. Judge S. H. Miller was president of the day and presented the monument from the commissioners to the citizens. Hon. James A. Stranahan replied on behalf of the citizens. Other prominent citizens participated. Each township and borough in the county was represented by a vice-president. (Source: 20th Century History of Mercer County, 1909, Vol. I, pg. 190

Looking toward the Courthouse

Close up of the inscription 

Back view from the Courthouse

Newspaper Article from 

1894 on the "Proposed  Monument" Click image to enlarge

How the monument looked when it was new 

The monument during the 1920s - 1930s. 

Close up of the top of the monument 

Plaque listing the Mercer County companies involved in the Civil War 

The Soldier's Monument was dedicated on 11 Nov 1897.  It was cleaned and restored and then re- dedicated on 11 Nov 1988.  Then, it was re-dedicated (again by the Western PA Civil War Re- enactors Society on 10 Nov 1997. (Source:  On This Day in Mercer County History, Mercer County Historical Society)

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