A Marriage Certificate by authority of the commonwealth of Pennslyvania.
This is to certify that on the 20th day of February AD 1856, before Perter Fritz, one of the justice of the piece [sic] in and for the county of Mercer. S. R. Turner of Mercer Co. state of Pa and Almira Peirsel
of the same place have taken the solm [sic] vows of duty and affection
whereby are Leagally [sic] joined in Marriage each of them declaring
themselves of full age and freerespectively from any prior engagements.
Where upon I the said justice have declared and by these present do
declare them to be Husband and Wife acording [sic] to the constitution
and Laws of Pennsylvinia [sic]. I witness Whereof I the said justice have subscribed thy Name and affixed thy seal the day and ?? Whom mentioned [Signed] Peter Fritz
Submitted by Susannah Lewis Submitter's Note: Names mentioned in the license are highlighted. The original
certificate was handwritten. Original misspellings have been left in
the document. Remarks in [ ] are my own notations and were not in the
original document.