Mercer County PAGenWeb

Wheatland - Farrell



Methodist Church






WHEATLAND METHODISM started in the year 1868 and has continued to serve the people of Wheatland until this day. Perhaps the people who really gave birth to the idea of a Methodist Church in Wheatland will never be known. However, certain facts are known. It is known that the present church structure was built in memory of James Wood. A plaque with the inscription, "To the memory of James Wood,” hung in the Wheatland church until 1959 when the congregation vacated the building to occupy their new edifice.

“The History of Mercer County” published by Brown, Runk & Company in 1888, carries this statement: “The Methodist Episcopal Church in Wheatland owes its existence to Mrs. James Wood, wife of the man who laid out and named the town. She gave the lot and furnished the means for erecting the building.”

The Erie Conference Journal, issue of 1869, carries the following statement: “The Messrs. Woods, of Pittsburgh, together with Mr. Spearman, manager, are building a house of worship, to be deeded to the M. E. Church, worth some eight or ten thousand dollars. They build, finish, and furnish the church with stained glass windows, hell, chandeliers, etc. There will be a fine audience room, with lecture room and class rooms below. These gentlemen, although not members of the denomination, are to be commended for their unsectarian and liberal views.”

The organization was effected in 1868, when the Reverend John Perry was sent to organize the Methodist Episcopal Church. At this time Wheatland and Brookfield were served by the same minister. The record shows that the present church building was erected about 1870, and the same year, in September, the congregation was incorporated under the laws of Pennsylvania in the name of “The Methodist Episcopal Church of Wheatland.” However, the congregation was never given a clear title to the church property. If at any time the services were interrupted for a period of one year, the property would revert back to the Wood heirs. This clause was a “thorn in the flesh” of Wheatland Methodism, and hindered the progress of the church.

Wheatland was served in those early years by a series of one and two year men. The first year Rev. John Perry was appointed he served both Wheatland and Brookfield, Ohio; his second appointment in 1860 was Wheatland alone, Brookfield having been put on another charge.

Local history records are few and incomplete. An early record mentioning the name of Rev. R. M. Bear reads: "Rev. R. M. Bear formed a Methodist Episcopal Church, August 26, 1867, of the following members. . . ." Evidently this man was a consecrated Layman who was licensed as a local preacher. Methodism owes much to these men, for many churches were born through their efforts. However with the brief paragraph recorded above no further information was recorded and the names of the first members are not known.

Following is the record of the organization of the Church Board for 1876:

Wheatland Nov. 27, 1876

“In pursuance of a notice, by Rev. J. Graham, pastor, the Board of Stewards, or Trustees of the M. E. Church, Wheatland, Pa., met at the house of G. W. Harris for the purpose of electing a new Board, for the ensuing year. The meeting was called to order by Rev. J. Graham, Chairman. Members present were G. W. Risher, G. W. Harris, Aleck Mayberry, Wright Ray, Joseph Cochran, David Dorman, David Orris, and John Patterson. On motion of Rev. J. Graham, G. W. Harris was elected Secretary. On motion of Rev. J. Graham, G. W. Risher, David Dorman, W. B. Maxwell, G. W. Harris, Wright Ray, John Patterson, David Orris, Joseph Cochran, and Alex Mayberry were elected trustees for the ensuing years. On motion of Rev. J. Graham, G. W. Risher was elected President of the Board for the year. On motion by Rev. J. Graham, G. W. Harris was elected Secretary of the Board for the year. On motion of Rev. J. Graham, G. W. Harris was elected Treasurer of the Church for the coming year. On motion of Rev. J. Graham, Wright Ray was elected a committee to collect money to pay for the heating of the church. There being no further business, on motion the Board adjourned.

        G. W. Harris, Secy."

        J. Graham, President 

The Historical Record shows two more items of interest recorded in 1877 and 1878:

Rev. W. P. Graham (the son of Rev. John Graham) was still the pastor. On his motion the following men were elected trustees subject o the approval of the first Quarterly Conference: Wright Ray, Nathan Allis, G. W. Risher, David Orris, Henry Metz, John Patterson, Robert Crooks, William Jones, and Robert Pierson. (The following correction was entered into the record.) 

“The following errors I notice in the above record, occasioned by a non-acquaintance, and an improper understanding of the pastor relative to the names of the parties. Nathan Allis should read Nelson Allies. Henry Metz should read John Metz. The above trustees were confirmed at the 1st Quarterly Conference of Wheatland and Greenwood Circuit at Greenwood Nov. 1878.” 

Names are appearing in the records now that have left a marked influence on Wheatland Methodism. On October 15, the following trustees were elected subject to the approval of the Quarterly Conference; —for the Conference year 1878-1879: Wright Ray, Nelson Allies, W. Risher, John Metz, Robert Crooks, John Patterson, Thomas Perry, G. W. Harris, and Thomas Laird. 

“The above board was confirmed as Trustees of the M. E. Church, at Wheatland, at the First Quarterly Conference held at New Virginia, Jan. 4, 1879.”

Rev. Otho Brant wrote the following interesting paragraph into the historical record: 

“I preached my first Sermon in the Wheatland M. F. Church, Nov. 20th, 1882.

I preached my farewell sermon in this church, Sunday morning Sept. 30th, 1883. A good testimony meeting was held after the sermon, Revelation 2 chapter and part of 10 verse. Be thou faithful until death and I will give thee a crown of life.

“May this church, Sabbath School, and all succeeding Pastors have abundant prosperity.

                                      Otho Brant

        Oct. 19th, 1883.        Pastor”

The Chronological Record of Official members throws a little light upon the very beginning of this church. Three Stewards and one class leader were appointed by R. Bear. (This man served Clarksville.) The first names appearing on record as stewards are: Samuel McClure, B. W. Maxwell, and W. Jones; Joseph Cole was appointed as Class Leader. Evidently these were the first charter members and officials of Wheatland Methodism.

The next entry came in 1869 by the Rev. John Perry, who officially organized the church. Also found are the names of four Class Leaders— Joseph Cole, John Metz, David Orris, and Samuel McClure. One local preacher appears among the group— F. N. Kernwick. Nine trustees were appointed on August 26, 1870, by Rev. John Perry. Evidently this was the first board of trustees. The names appearing on the official record are: Samuel McClure, Thomas Perry, John Walker, Joseph Cole, W. B. Maxwell, Alexander Mayberry, John Metz, Rewben Inbody, and Robert Rankin. Another interesting item is that Methodism true to form started to educate men and women and children in the knowledge of the sacred scripture and Jesus Christ. W. B. Maxwell, became the first Superintendent of the Sabbath School of Wheatland.

Another interesting item from the Historical Record of the Wheatland Church is this Temperance pledge: 



                                                                     Jan. 10, 1889

In the presence of God and these witnesses, I solemnly pledge myself from this hour not to take intoxicating liquors as a beverage—so help me Almighty God:

Seven names were signed, Reese Jones, Ambrose S. Crooks, David Jarrett, Frank Jones, Owen Howells, Cramer Beck. There is another name but it is too difficult to decipher; no doubt the Lord knows, and that is sufficient.

“The History of Mercer County” published by Brown, Runk & Co., in 1888, p 490, makes this statement:

“The strength of the Church, depending upon the Mills, its prosperity has fluctuated with the changes occurring in their business.”

This has been a correct statement, because during its history, the Wheatland Methodist Church has had its fat years and its very lean years. Time and again the Wood heirs threatened to move the Methodist Congregation out because the building was standing idle and in need of repairs. However, in moments like that such men as John Metz and Frank Jones, who were devout men of God, revived the indifferent members to a sense of their responsibility. The church school was revived and the Conference asked to send a minister to the community.

There have been many combinations of charges with which Wheatland was connected. The earliest charge was Wheatland and Brookfield; next the record shows Wheatland was linked with Middlesex, New Bedford, then back to New Virginia and finally under the pastorate of Rev. R. M. Stevenson, Wheatland and Farrell were united as a charge and worked harmoniously until 1959 when they became separate charges.

The Grace Methodist Church, under the pastorate of E. V. Rupert, laid plans for a new church building to occupy a site on the corner of Vaughn and Mercer Avenues. This is an excellent location and a new church building on this site will give a new birth to Wheatland Methodism. In May 1955, the Board of Home Missions of the Methodist Church helped the Finance Commission in a Building Fundraising Campaign. Nearly $27,000 was raised in pledges and cash for the new project.

On Palm Sunday, March 30, 1958, a group of happy Wheatlandites assembled on the new church location at 3 P.M. for the Ground Breaking Ceremony. Rev. M. E. Lindstrom, First Church, Sharon, and Rev. Newton Swanson, Hickory Methodist Church assisted Rev. E. V. Rupert in conducting the service. Dr. Arthur Colley. District Superintendent, gave the address which was a challenge to the local congregation to set their lights high. Mr. Thomas Williams, Burgess of Wheatland Borough, George Heiges, church architect, Robert Lloyd, president of the Board of Trustees and Leland Chisholm, lay leader, were introduced by Rev. E. V. Rupert. Robert Lloyd, Thomas Williams and the pastor each turned a shovelful of earth. The prayer of dismissal was given by Dr. Colley.

The Cornerstone Laying Ceremony was held Sunday, November 9, 1958, at 3 P.M. Due to the inclement weather, the services were held in the church. Those taking part in the services were, Dr. Colley, Rev. C. W. Baldwin, pastor at First Church, Sharon, Rev. Newton Swanson, pastor of Hickory Methodist Church, and Rev. F. J. Waller, pastor at the Valley Baptist Church. The address was delivered by Dr. Colley. The Cornerstone Laying Ceremony was conducted by Dr. Colley and the pastor E. V. Rupert.

The 54 feet by 88 feet brick building when completed and furnished will be a modern house of worship having a sanctuary with a seating capacity of 300. It will cost about $88,000 and is expected to be dedicated to divine worship by the first of September, 1959.

The completion of this project will be the realization of a long cherished dream on the part of the Wheatland congregation. Rev. Ernest Rupert who was largely instrumental in starting and completing this project led the congregation through the necessary steps, and made it possible to have a full time minister in June 1959.

Compiling the roll of ministers who have served the Wheatland congregation was a very difficult task. There is such an overlapping of material, dates and rearranging of churches on the charges, that the task seemed well-nigh impossible. However, the following list is felt to be as near correct as has been possible to make it. 




 R. M. Bear   


 John Perry


 G. Dunsmire  


 B. F. Delo   


 J. H. Vance   


 J. F. Hill   


 John Graham   


 W. P. Graham


 John Perry


 R. M. Bear


 Otho Brant


 R. R. Rich


 W. H. Mossman


 Samuel Winger


 G. J. Squire   


 Samuel Winger  


 George J. Squire 


 Chas. E. McKinley


 S. S. Burton   


 S. L. Hill   


 D. C. Plannette  


 E. O. Minnigh   


 R. A. Thompson 


 A. E. Salisbury   


 R. A. Buzza


 W. E. Smith


 J. C. Womer


 C. L. Downs


 S. L. Richards


 Thomas Pollard


 Edgar Doverspike (Student)


 H. M. Stevenson


 D. J. Blasdell 


C. C. Moheny 


C. I. Hayes 

1945-47  David Hasbrouck


E. V. Rupert   


Jack F. Best

Source: One Hundred and Fifty Years of Methodism, pages 227-233

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