Lutheran.—ln 1848, Rev. H. Ziegler, D.D., now
professor in Missionary Institute, at Selinsgrove, Pa., commenced
preaching in a school-house in the northern part of the territory now
included within the borough, and, as a result of his labors, the
Lutheran Church was organized, with the following members: Henry Schriekengost, and wife: Peter Platt, and wife; Abram Grove, and wife; Henry Fetteral, and wife. Mr. Schrickengost was the
first deacon, and until 1855, the congregation met at the school-house
and at private houses, but in that year, a church was
erected upon land deeded by James.
A. Leech. The first pastor after its completion was Rev. H. Weicksel. A
Sabbath-school was organized upon the first establishment of the
society, and has been continued to the present day. The present [1877]
membership is sixty.
History of Mercer County, 1877, page 112.
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