Mercer County PAGenWeb


St. Michael's Church

From the History of Mercer County, 1877--

The Roman Catholic Church.—Prior to 1840, the few Catholics of this section, had but rarely an opportunity of attending religious services. They were, at irregular intervals, visited by priests from Pittsburgh and Erie; the log-dwelling of that period, serving the purposes of a church, and the congregation being frequently composed, in part, of members whose homes lay at a distance of twenty miles, and upward. About the year above-mentioned, the Catholics of Delaware Grove completed their church, when, for the first time, it became possible for those of this neighborhood to assist, regularly, at divine service, by traveling about twelve miles, over a very indifferent road. This trouble was spared them, in 1844, from which year, to 1848, services were held at the house of Ferdinand Smith, who then resided, and still resides [1877], in this borough. In 1848, the present edifice was erected, by Father Mitchell; this mission then comprising not only the Catholics, of the immediate neighborhood, but, also, those of Jamestown, Kinsman, Ohio, and other places. In 1873, a neat and substantial church was erected, at Jamestown, by the Catholics, of that place, and another is contemplated, at Kinsman. The Greenville congregation is now composed of the 

Catholics, of this vicinity, only; and yet, the present [1877] structure is scarce large enough to contain their increasing numbers. A larger one, of brick, is now contemplated. The following clergymen have attended this place, in the order named, since Father Mitchell; mentioned above: Rev. T. A. Smith, Rev. P. M. Garvey, Rev. Arthur McConnell, Rev. J. J. Gallagher, Rev. Andrew Schweiger, Rev. F. J. Hartman, Rev. J. H. O’Keefe, Rev. K. O’Brannigan, and Rev. T. Tracy. Rev Mr. Tracy resigned this charge, and removed to St. Vincent’s, Westmoreland county, to join the Benedictine Order, who have a Monastery, in that locality. He was succeeded by Rev. B. Donohoe, in July, 1876. The communicants number in the neighborhood of 400.

Rev. [Bernard] Donohoe also holds services, at Orangeville, once a month, in a private house. The Sunday-school, of the Greenville Church, has about sixty scholars. The pastor attends to the teaching himself. The Rev. Father Donohoe has charge of all the country, in various directions, around Greenville—towards Meadville, Stoneboro, Mercer, and Sharpsville. 

History of Mercer County, 1877, page 99.

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