Mercer County PAGenWeb

 Mercer County Ancestral Heroes

 Civil War     G






Death Buried
GEORGE, George Washington  Private, Co. B, 140th PA; transferred, Co. I, 53d Regiment, PA Volunteers abt 1831 Salem Twp., Mercer County 7 Mar 1903 Milledgeville, Mercer County Birch Cemetery, Fairfield Twp., Crawford Co.
GIBSON, William


Company K

53rd Regiment PA Volunteers

Hempfield Township
Killed at the Battle of the Wilderness  
GIBSON, William Allen Soldier, Co. A, 205th Pa Volunteers 7 Apr 1844 Blair Co. 23 Dec 1927 Sharon

Morefield Cemetery
GIEBNER, Charles William

Sergeant, Co. B, 140th Regiment PA Volunteer Infantry, 

15 Aug 1862 - 1 Mar 1865

8 July 1832 Mercer County   23 Apr 1865 Sandy Lake Twp, Mercer County Yankee Hill Cemetery, Mercer County
GIEBNER, Jason T.  1st Lieut., then Captain, 140th Regiment, PA Infantry 13 May 1822 Sandy Lake Twp, Mercer County 28 Oct 1915 Mercer County Oakwood Cemetery, Sharon
GILLESPIE, Thomas J. Co. B, 55th PA Infantry Volunteers 14 Jun 1840 Clarksville 26 Jun 1915 Sharon


Oak Hill Cemetery, Sandy Lake Township
GILLILAND, David Co. B, 39th PA Inf Reg 1827 lived in West Middlesex
GILMORE, James A. 


Co. H, 78th PA Volunteers 3 Mar 1841 Lackawannock Township 1917 Grove City

Woodland Cemetery, Grove City

GILSON, Martin A. 1st Lieutenant, Co. A, 142nd PA Regiment, enrolled 22 Aug 1862 from Middlesex, PA
GINGER, John C. Private, Co. A, 142nd PA Reg, enrolled 22 Aug 1862 company recruited from Mercer Co.
GOBLE, Alfred H. Sergeant, Co. A, 142nd PA Regiment, enrolled 22 Aug 1862 company recruited from Mercer Co.
GOODRICH, Albert  Private, Company G, 145th PA Regiment recruited from the Greenville area  24 Nov 1862

Washington, DC 

Alexandria Cemetery,  Alexandria, VA, Grave 469

Private, Co. A, 139th Reg. PA Volunteers, disch Dec 1864 due to gunshot wound 3 Mar 1845 Mill Creek Township, Mercer County
GRACE, Ephraim C. 2nd Lieutenant, Co. A, 139th Regiment 1841 Worth Township, Mercer County 5 May 1864 Battle of the Wilderness
GRACE, James

Co G, 10th PA Reserve Corps, severely wounded at the battle of Gaines Mill 17 Apr 1842


GRACE, John Franklin 2nd Lieutenant, Co. G, 100th Regiment PA Infantry
Enlisted 31 Aug 1861
Worth Township, Mercer County

Discharged 11 Jan 1863 due to tuberculosis

research submitted by Diane Kennedy; History of Mercer County, 1877
GRACE, John J. Co. G, 100th PA Volunteers 1836 Millbrook 1895 Grove City

Wounded at the Second Battle of Bull Run

His arm and leg were shattered; he laid on the 

battlefield for four days before help arrived.

research submitted by Diane A. Kennedy
GRACE, S.C. Co. G, 10th PA Reserve Corps New York, after participating in Sherman’s march
GRACE, Samuel R. Capt., Co. G, 100th PA Volunteers; wounded at Chantilly Petersburg abt 1839 Worth Township, Mercer County


GRACE, William R.


Private, Co. G, 100th PA Volunteers "Roundheads", enlisted 31 Aug 1861  
Worth Township, Mercer County

Oak Grove Cemetery
GRANT, James B.  Private, Co. B, 11th Regiment, PA  Infantry Sept 1846 Clarksville, Mercer County after 1906

He lived in Mercer County until his last voucher for military pension was sent in July 1906.

research submitted by Janice Giebner Davis

GREEN, David W.   Corporal, Co. B, 57th Reg. PA Volunteers 21 Apr 1844 Mercer County 12 Dec 1899 Polk, Venango Co., PA Center Church Cemetery, Raymilton, Venango Co., PA
GREEN, William H.  Private, Co. G, 63rd Reg PA Vol Inf and Co. G, 105th Reg Vol Inf. 15 Apr 1842 Hickory Corners, Mercer County 23 Jan 1917 Kennard, Mercer County Stevenson Cemetery, Salem Township
GREER, John H. Private, Co. B,39th Regiment, 10th Reserve   

1894 West Middlesex, PA
GREER, John H. Private, Co. A, 142nd PA Reg, enrolled 22 Aug 1862  
company recruited from Mercer Co.


GREER, Josiah Co. I 6th Regiment. 6th Artillery, 212 PA. Volunteers 1827 Saltsburg, PA 1883
Mercer County, PA
Mercer County
GREGG, David (or GREGGS) Private, Co. A, 142nd PA Reg, enrolled 22 Aug 1862  
company recruited from Mercer Co. 14 or 15 Aug 1864 Florence, SC Andersonville, GA, grave 5735
GRIFFIN, James Luther  Sergeant, Co. B, 140th Regiment 3rd Brigade, 2nd Corps PA Vol Inf; wounded at Gettysburg and Spotsylvania 13 Mar 1839 Butler County, PA 25 Apr 1923 Worth Township Irwin Cemetery
GRISTON, William  Private, Company G, 145th PA Regiment  
recruited from the Greenville area



 Captain, Co B, 140th PA Volunteers; also Co B, 83rd PA Volunteers  3 Sept 1838 New Lebanon 1916  
GROVE, Absalem  Company A, 139th PA Volunteers
Mercer County 22 Jun 1864 Died of wounds received in battle at Cold Harbor Cypress Hill Cemetery, L.I; New Lebanon Cemetery
GROVE, Jacob T.  Eighty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers 
Mercer County


GUIST, Westley  Private, Co. D, 211th Regiment, PA Volunteers  abt 1836 Mercer, PA 2 Apr 1865 gunshot wound to the head, Battle of Petersburg, Petersburg, VA Battlefield Burial, Petersburg, VA
GUNDY, John Jr. Corporal, Co. A, 142nd PA Regiment, enrolled 22 Aug 1862 company recruited from Mercer Co.


GUNDY, Robert E. Musician, Co. A, 142nd PA Regiment, enrolled 22 Aug 1862 company recruited from Mercer Co.


GUTHERIE, Frederick K.   Private, Company G, 145th PA Regiment Center County, PA; recruited from the Greenville area  
Moved to O'Brien Co., Iowa 
GUTHERIE, John T.  Private, Company G, 145th PA Regiment recruited from the Greenville area 8 Nov 1864   Died a prisoner at Salisbury, NC 


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