On Sunday morning in the week of December 24, 1917, Rev. H. E. Phipps, pastor of Oakland Avenue M. E. Church, Sharon, read a message of profound sadness to his congregation. The impact of the message soon spread from the church into the community, where sorrow was prevalent everywhere. The message told of the death, in France, of Sergeant Grover Cleveland Goodall, Sharon’s first martyr in the First World War.

Grover Goodall was a young man of exemplary character, well known all over Mercer County and highly respected by all who knew him. A member of the Oakland Avenue M.E.Church, he was an earnest church worker, interested and active in congregational, community, county and national church work. He was for a number of years president of the Epworth League in the District composed of Mercer and

Sergeant Goodall was born in Wheatland, Pennsylvania. His entire life was spent in the community which mourned his death. He was an automobile salesman for the W. C. DeForeest & Son Company. He was a member of Truck Train No 402, Company 405, U. S. Army in France. On December 22, 1917, he gave his life for his country in the War For Democracy.  

Grover Cleveland Goodall
Sergeant, U.S. Army, World War I
Buried: Oise-Aisne American Cemetery, Fere-en- Tardenois (Aisne), France.
(Source: 150 Years of Methodist, The Story of the First Methodist Church, Sharon, Pennsylvania, p.252-253)

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