Sharon High School 







1918-19 Orchestra  - Click to enlarge photo.  


This has been one of the most successful years ever enjoyed by the High School Orchestra. A large part of its success may be attributed to its leader. Mr. [David] Reese is the leader whose efforts and abilities have enabled him to conduct the orchestra in a way satis factory to all. Able assistance has been rendered Professor Reese by Miss Elizabeth Pearce, the pianist. 

The members of the Orchestra have always shown a ready willingness to practice faithfully and work hard. Their work has been greatly appreciated by the whole school. Orchestra members on the different programs have received loud and long continued applause.

The activities of the Orchestra consisted mainly in playing during the school programs Columbus Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas. Washington’s Birthday and the day of the A. R. Oratorical Contest have all seen the Orchestra in splendid trim. The Orchestra also played in the concert given by the public schools and there it was a huge success. 

The Orchestra consists of nine violins, cello, flute, cornet, clarinet and drums. A large and enthusiastic turnout is desired for the coming year and everyone having musical ability should help make the Orchestra for 1919-20 a great success.



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from 1919 Mirror, Sharon High School yearbook, 

pages 58 and 59

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