Mercer County Genealogy


Places New Vernon Township     


New Vernon Township was originally a part of Sandy Creek. But the latter was so large and unwieldy that great trouble was had in collecting taxes over such an extensive area, and also in establishing voting places at points accessible to persons living in all portions of the township. These difficulties, it was thought, would be greatly lessened by a separation from the parent organization and the formation of a new and smaller one. Accordingly on the 18th of December, 1850, a number of petitions were handed in to the Court praying for the appointment of a board of commissioners to view the territory in question, lay out boundaries for the establishment of three new townships, and report upon the general practicability of the scheme. In accordance with these prayers, the Court appointed Joseph Kerr, Francis Beatty and James A. Leech. The latter looked over the ground, decided that a division of the old township into four equal parts would be expedient, and reported accordingly, April 7, 1851. This report was confirmed June 23 and the four new townships were named, respectively Deer Creek, New Vernon, Mineral (now Perry), and the fourth retaining the original title, Sandy Creek. Of these four New Vernon was the southeastern division. Its surface is well diversified. The portion adjacent to Big Sandy Creek is rather level, while in the south eastern part of the township many sharply-marked hills spring up forming a bluff looking outline. The principal interest in the region is agriculture. The soil is fertile, and good crops are raised from it. The township is one of the best drained in the county. The Little Shenango and the Big Sandy both flow through it, and with their tributaries form a network of sluiceways which carry off all the surplus water. Indeed, considered from an agricultural point of view, New Vernon may fairly take front rank. The history of the settlement of this township is intimately interwoven with the narrative o the parent organization, Sandy Creek. The early settlers were later in arriving in the southeastern part of the old division than in some other portions of the county. But their arrival, even if late, was fraught with beneficent results, both to themselves and to those who came after them. 

The Ten Milers. —This was the name of a colony which originally came from New Jersey and settled in Washington County. Penn., some time during the latter half of the last century, on what was known as Ten Mile Run. These people sold out in Washington County in 1797 or 1798, and removed to Mercer County, settling on the Big Sandy, not far from the

present village of New Vernon. The name “Ten Milers,” given to this settlement, was derived from the place left in Washington County. In the list of “Ten Milers” were Daniel Axtell, David Condit, Cyrus Riggs, John Holloway, Isaac Holloway, Ithiel Dodd, Stephen Riggs, Price Dilley and Ira Condit, the preacher. Lincoln Axtell, son of Daniel, built the first grist-mill in the neighborhood. These men were afterward elders in the Fairview Presbyterian Church at New Vernon. 

Mills. - - In glancing at the  industrial interests of New Vernon Township, one is impressed with the fact that they are few in number and unimportant in extent. Not unimportant, either, for nothing can be wholly unimportant which is so intimately associated with the development of any community from primitive wilderness to modern improvements. Yet, compared with some of her sister townships, there is an evident discrepancy on the side of the one at present under consideration. The most prominent, and the only one that will be treated, was the saw-mill business. This, of course, in later years, as forests are depleted and torn down, has diminished. But a few years ago it comprised the most striking source of the township’s wealth. The first steam mill was built in 1854, near the village of New Vernon, by George Axtell. It did a flourishing business. In 1868 a second one was erected in the southwestern part of the township by the firm of McClure & Boyd. In 1870 the third was located at a place about two miles south of New Vernon village. Gill’s saw-mill and shingle-factory was built in 1868, by L. J. Gill. It, like the other enterprises named, did a rushing business for a number of years. All contributed largely to the increase of New Vernon’s industrial resources. 

At the first election held after the division of the old township of Sandy Creek the following officers were chosen: Justices of the peace, Archibald Montgomery and David Lynn; constable. Henry Hosack; judge of election, Huston Borland; inspector, John Tuttle; assessor, David Holloway; auditors, Daniel Holloway, R. Forbes and David Bliss; school directors, Lawrence Straight, David Lynn, David Condit, Henry Boyd, Hugh Lackey and Samuel Axtell; supervisors, Joseph Boyd, James Hosack and John Tuttle; clerk, Elk Holloway, and overseers, Hugh Henry and Ithamar Tuttle.

History of Mercer County, 1888, pages 561-562