French Creek Township 

Disciples Church


The Disciple Church, in the southern part of the village [of Milledgeville], was built in 1875, and is a plain, but substantial and well-finished, edifice. The present [1877] pastor is Elder Baker. The Disciples, or Campbellites, as they are otherwise known, had an organization in and about the village at an early day, and the union church, now used for public meetings, and, occasionally, as a select-school building, was mainly erected by them, and was standing in 1852, on the north side of the village. Their first preaching was during that year, by John Phillips, now 


extensively engaged in the oil business in Butler and Venango counties. There was an extensive revival under his preaching, and the church owes its existence mainly to his labors. The first family of Disciples in the neighborhood was the Chatleys, the date of whose settlement is mentioned above. The cost of their present [1877] church was about $1,800.

History of Mercer County, 1877, page 41.  


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