Townships Boroughs Villages 



“The chief village of the township is Charleston. This was laid off in the winter of 1838, by Henry Campbell. The first purchaser of the lots, which were sold for $25 each, was Charles Beatty, who was given the honor of naming the new town. He called it “Charleston.” The village sustains one store, kept by David Beil, and a harness-shop by Samuel Hunter, and is at present in a fairly healthy vitality for an inland country town. 

History of Mercer County, 1888, page 546.


Charleston was platted in 1838 by Henry Campbell. A postoffice was established, called Hill, in March, 1858, the first postmaster being Ephraim Gundy, who was likewise one of the first merchants of the place. 

Twentieth Century History of Mercer County, 1909, page 171

Landowners and businesses in Charleston,  from the 1873 Combined Atlas of Mercer County:   S. Stoner, H. Stoner, O. H. Ormsby, B. P. Hughes, J. Fry, J. L. Grundy, J. Green, W. Cozad, A. Stewart, L. Hildebrand, Bechart & Fry, L. Buchanan, S. R. Little, a hotel and several shops.

E. H. Broomhall, wagon, sign, and ornamental painter, Charlestown

Wm. Cozad, Blacksmith and wagon maker, Charlestown

John Green, Carriage Manufacturer, Charlestown.

View Landowners map of Charleston from the 1873 Atlas

View Charleston Business Directory from the 1873 Atlas




located in Jefferson Township

Also known as Charlestown

What the History of Mercer County 1877 says about Charleston

If you're looking for your ancestors in Charleston, try the

1850 Census for Delaware Township and the 1870 Census for Jefferson Twp



Charleston Methodist Church