Sugar Grove Township 

Leechs Corners 


Leech’s Corners.John Leech built a store about 1841, at Leech’s Corners, and was thus the first merchant at that point. A post-office had been established at the same place early in Jackson’s administration, in which William Leech was commissioned postmaster, but it was subsequently removed, as Leech was appointed justice of the peace, and the two positions were incompatible in the same individual. The mail was then carried on horseback, from Greenville to Franklin, twice a week, and the receipts of the office were less than three dollars per year. At the present time the Corners is the site of a church, school-house, grist-mill, and saw-mill, a post-office, two blacksmith-shops, two wagon-shops, and a grocery.

Cheese-factory.--In 1873, a building, 40 x 50 feet in dimensions, was erected near Leech’s Corners, by Brickenridge & Harper, as a cheese-factory, which has received the general patronage of the surrounding neighborhood. From five to eight cheeses of the ordinary size, are made daily, and they are manufactured for the patrons, at one dollar and eighty-five cents per hundred-weight. The manufacturer states that the returns have been profitable.  

History of Mercer County, 1877, page 83  

Landowners map of Leechs Corners from the 1873 Atlas


Leechs Corners

located in Sugar Grove Twp

Also known as Salem Village

What the Mercer County Histories - 1888 and 1909 say about Leechs Corners


Postmasters - 

Leechs Corners

If you're looking for your ancestors in Leechs Corners try the 1850 Census for Salem Twp and the 1870 Census for Sugar Grove Twp