Hodge Manufacturing Company


Hodge Manufacturing Company. —The nucleus around which the present [1888] establishment bearing this name gathered was a small shop 11x17 feet dimensions, opened in 1876-77 by Mr. E. W. Hodge, a native of England, He began a small brass foundry, which became the Hodge Brass and Iron Foundry and Machine Shops; the business increasing, a company was formed in April, 1883, with a capital stock of $10,000, divided into 100 shares of the par value of $100 each, and composed of W. R. Field, president; P. E. McCray, secretary, and E. W. Hodge, treasurer and general manager. The works consist of a machine shop 25x40 feet, a blacksmith and engine room 20x40 feet, and a foundry 40x60 feet, in which is placed the best improved machinery the motive power of which is furnished by a 100 horse-power boiler and a 25 horse-power engine. The products of the company, which find a ready sale in a market embracing the entire State, are railroad, rolling-mill, coal bank and saw-mill castings, sash weights, sled soles, school and farm bells and heating stoves, in addition to which repairing work is also done.  

History of Mercer County, 1888, page 438 

Biography of Elijah W. Hodge