Mercer County PAGenWeb

Places Greenville National Bank      

The Greenville National Bank was incorporated and organized in the month of April, 1875. It succeeded to the business of the old firm of Achre, Wick & Company, the first regular banking concern in the borough. The original capital stock was $110,000, and the first officers were Wm. Achre, president, Wm. H. Beil, cashier and Geo. O. Keck, assistant cashier. The other persons who were instrumental, in connection with the officers just named, in the organization of this bank and who constituted the first board of directors were James Sheakley, John Keck, Andrew Burnett, Marvin Loomis, James A. Stranahan, John R. Packard, James Campbell and A. F. Henlein.

The capital stock was reduced to its present amount of $90,000 on the 10th of January, 1882, at which time Mr. Achre retired from the presidency of the bank and ceased to be a member of the board. At the same time Mr. John Keck was elected president of the bank, in which position he continued until the time of his death, about September 1, 1885. Mr. A. F. Henlein, who at the present time is president of the bank, was elected January 12, i886, and has continued to be at the head of its affairs since that time.

The original charter of this bank expired in April, 1895, at which time it was continued under the laws of the United States for another period of twenty years from that date. The bank has been for many years prosperous and successful and is considered one of the strongest institutions of its kind in the State of Pennsylvania. The present capital is $90,000, surplus $65,000 and undivided profits $23,000. Mr. G. B. Chase is vice president and Mr. L. Henlein, cashier, and the board of directors consists of the following well known citizens of the borough: A. F. Henlein, G. B. Chase, Andrew Davis, C. J. Achre, E. L. Filer, J. F. Mathers and Till Reiss.

Twentieth Century History of Mercer County, 1909, page 229

The first banking institution in Greenville was opened about the year 1850, by James R. Wick, who conducted a private brokerage business. In 1856 he was succeeded in this by Achre, Wick & Co., the first firm to begin a regular banking business in the county. Its members were William Achre, A. L. Wick and George A. Bittenbanner. The business was located in the second story of a building situated on the spot where the First National Bank now stands. In the year 1859 the present building of the Greenville National bank was erected by this firm, and used by them until April, 1875, when William H. Boil and George O. Keck were admitted. William Achre purchased the interests of Mr. Bittenbanner and Mr. Wick, and the institution was chartered under the name of the “Greenville National Bank.” The capital stock of the oil bank had been $25,000, which was amply sufficient at the time, although a large and profitable business was carried on; but under the new name this was increased to $110,000. The first officers were William Achre, president; William H. Beil, cashier, and George O. Keck, assistant cashier. The bank at present is in good condition, having a capital stock of $90,000, a surplus of $8,000 and deposits amounting to upward of $80,000. Its business, while local, is good, and the institution is credited with the confidence of its patrons. The present [1888] officers are A. F. Henlein, president; William H. Beil, cashier, and Harry Watson, assistant cashier. 

History of Mercer County, 1888, page 441

C. B. Chase was President of the bank in 1925, with L. Henlein, Vice-President, T. R. Thomas, Cashier and N. E. Peters, Asst. Cashier.  The total resources of the bank were $2,000,000.

View advertisement from 1925.