Mercer County PAGenWeb


Places Buhl Club, Sharon      

The Buhl Club, the gift of Frank H. Buhl to the people of Sharon, occupies a unique place among the institutions founded for purposes of social enlightenment and improvement. Of libraries established through means furnished by individuals, America has thousands of examples. The library, besides supplying the material for intellectual diversion and culture, is often a center of the esthetic and educational movements of the community. The church organizations, whose objects are primarily religious, have social and charitable functions that are constantly broadening to meet the conditions of modern life. Another field of social and religious work is occupied by the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. organizations, which are an extension of practical Christianity to the clean and wholesome interests of the young, an effort to supply congenial and attractive environment for the social pleasures and activities of young men and women. Then, too, the “social settlement” is a feature in the larger centers of population, representing an endeavor to raise the standards and ideals of life among the ignorant and poor of a city’s population.

The Buhl Club, in the writer’s opinion, is a public philanthropy founded on such broad lines that it comprehends many of the facilities and purposes of all the above- named institutions. On the main floor of the handsome brick and stone building, fronting on State street, is a library with commodious reading and reference rooms at either side. The library, viewed as a collection of books, is new and incomplete, but is sufficiently large to accommodate the average book-borrower and in its larger purpose of furnishing the proper incentives and surroundings for the enjoyment of books its facilities are not surpassed in many public libraries.

Occupying part of the basement and first floors of the club house are a large and well equipped gymnasium, bowling alleys, courts for squash and hand ball, billiard and pool room, card rooms, and the various means of recreation and athletic sport. A physical trainer and examiner is also provided. In these facilities the club has more to offer men who are attracted to clean sports and amusements than the average Y. M. C. A. outside of the largest cities.

On the third floor are a large music room, assembly room and class rooms. The Buhl Club has undertaken the functions of the social settlement and night school of the large cities, adapted of course, to the needs of this community. By the provisions of the wise philanthropy which founded the institution, the annual fees required for membership are very low, less than the dues of the average Y. M. C. A., and practically nothing.

Twentieth Century History of Mercer County, 1909, Vol. I, page 105-107

The Buhl Club, 1930s

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The Entrance to the Buhl Club, 1930s

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The Buhl Club, 1920s

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The Buhl Club, abt 1908

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The Buhl Club, early 1900s

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The Buhl Club, 2001

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The Buhl Club sign, 2001

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