A Ba-Ber Bi-Bo Br-By Ca-Ch Cl-Co Cr-Cu Da-De Di-Dr Dr-Dy Ea-En En-Ev Fa-Fr Fr-Fy GA-GE GE-Gu HA-HE HI-HU I JA-JO JO-JU KA-KI KL-KY LA-LE LE-LY MC Ma-MI Mi-Mo Mo-My N O P Q Ra-Ri Ri-Ry Sa-Sh Si-So Sp-Sy T U V Wa-Wh Wi-Wy Y Z Addendums
I would like to thank all the volunteers from the Pa-Luzerne Listserver that helped me in typing these up.
They are:
Dalice Cathy Ailstock Jane Haver Brianne Kelly-Bly Lonnie Foley Jim & Dianne Naugle Jacqueline Wolfe Carol Queen Will Schaule Carol Wandel Sarah Sally Peterson Kathleen McCarthy Maria Hydock Lisa Higgins Peg Mary Oliver Linda Moss Mary Clare Fedor Douglas Weaver Judy Tammy Lamb Susan Walters Frank Lafferty Douglas Weaver Joyce Smith Jackie Patricia Krivak Tony Bill Peck Carolyn Moering Richard Reese Bill Peck Denise Meador Pat Dunn Ken ForbesBack to Luzerne County Genweb
© 1997-Present by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual Contributors
Ann Lubinsky
County Coordinator