Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, August 22, 1878
Items of Interest from Old Chincklacamoose.
There are several cases of typhoid fever in town. None of them are
considered dangerous, however.
T. J. McCullough and A. W. Walters each caught fine strings of
black bass in the river last week. The former had fourteen, the
latter six.
William B. Bigler's new brick residence on Front street is rapidly
approaching completion. When finished it will be an ornament to that
section of the town.
Blackberrying parties are all the rage hereabouts now. Wagon loads
of people leave town at 2 and 3 o'clock in the mornings and return
late at night. This species of berries is said to be plenty in the
mountains roundabout.
Standing on the corner in front of the Court House on Friday last,
thirteen candidates for office were seen shaking hands with the "dear
people." Some of these office hunters will feel sick after the
nominating conventions are over.
Mr. Benjamin Bloom, an old, respected citizen of Pike township,
died on Tuesday last, at the age of 88 years. He was one of a family
of twelve children, but one of whom survives him - a sister aged about
76 years.
Misses Helen Watson and Grace Cardon are making preparation to open
a fancy goods store room on Second street. These young ladies will
doubtless drive a thriving business, as they thoroughly understand
what will attract the attention of the ladies.
"There's music in the air." Twenty four brass horns are scattered
around town in the bands of amateur musicians, and they are kept going
day and night. If we do not soon have a couple of brass bands it will
not be for want of practice on the part of the members.
The borough constable froze fast to a young man who had partaken of
an overdose of mean whisky on Thursday afternoon last and was creating
too much noise on the street for the peace and happiness of our
usually quiet village. He was taken before a justice of the peace,
who committed him to the county jail, where he was kept until the next
morning, when he was let out duly sober.
Mr. A. B. Leavy, of this place, has secured the contract for
carrying the mails between this place and Penfield, a distance of
seventeen miles. He makes two trips a week, and for this service be
receives the enormous price of one dollar per trip. Just where the
money is to be made on this contract is an affair that concerns only
be contractor. But still it's queer.
Miss Maggie McCullough, of this borough, who has been teaching at
Williamsport Dickinson Seminary for some time, was appointed to a
position in our public schools, but as she prefers the Williamsport
school she did not accept. She will return to Dickinson at the
opening of the next session of the school. Miss Hettie Moore, of
Luthersburg, will assume the position tendered to Miss McCullough in
our borough schools.
Philip Dotts, a citizen of Becavia [sic] township, was thrown from
his buggy on Wednesday last, in Girard township, and severely injured.
Mr. Dotts was in an open buggy, and as it commenced to rain he hoisted
an umbrella, at which the horse took fright and ran away. In his fall
from the buggy Mr. D. struck a tree, breaking one of his ribs and
cutting his face and head. He was brought to town on Saturday and is
now confined to his bed at the Mansion House, where a competent
physician is attending him. He is one of the Democratic candidates
for treasurer.
There is a fire-brick establishment on the northeastern edge of
town whose engine is crowned with a whistle that beats the great fog-
horn of the Centennial all to pieces for sound, and the unseasonable
hours at which it is blown causes considerable growling among the
residents in that neighborhood. It generally commences at 4 o'clock
in the morning and is kept up at short intervals until about 7. It is
almost impossible for persons in that vicinity to sleep after 4
o'clock in the morning.
A tramp peddler was in town one day last week and, as is usual with
men of his stamp, got full of "tangle-leg" whisky. In this condition
he entered one of the saloons and became very impudent and unruly when
the proprietor refused to sell him a glass of beer. He was ordered
out, and refusing to go the proprietor assisted his exit with the toe
of his boot and a well directed blow with his fist. The tramp carried
a very black eye out of town with him. Whether or not this is the
correct way to solve the tramp question is doubtful, but the fellow
evidently deserved all he got.
If nothing happens to prevent it our borough schools will open for
the winter session about the first of October. The teachers have been
selected and their compensation fixed by the board of directors, but
where the money is to come from with which to pay them is another
question. The school district is in debt about $8,000, and how this
is to be paid and the schools kept up is a matter that should be
seriously contemplated by the taxpayers. It looks as though there was
mismanagement somewhere, as the borough auditors have not yet
published a statement of school matters for the year ending in June
last. It is too late now to comply with the law in this respect, and
the proper parties should proceed to collect that little fine.
Kansas City and Altoona - Solid Lots and Hollow Lots - False View
of Rail Roads - Business of the Pennsylvania Central - What Railroads
Have Done. The West Needs More Railroads. Northern Pacific - Texas
Correspondence of the Tribune.
Kansas City, Mo., August 17, 1878.
Thirty years ago the rough and rugged bluff at this point gave just
as little promise of becoming the foundation of the largest city
between St. Louis and San Francisco, as did the rude hamlet of Altoona
of being transformed into the brightest gem that crowns the
Alleghenies. But a single generation has intervened the
transformation scene, and the western metropolis of Missouri and the
mountain city of Pennsylvania have both the prospect of substantial
growth and prosperity in the future. But this western city had one
great advantage over yours. The high bluff on which it stands was
corrugated with gutters and deep ravines, and when a man bought a lot
on the higher surface, he purchased an immense body of clay and sand
that must be removed in order to reach the grade of the street, some
forty or fifty feet below. But his neighbor who purchased a lot in
the adjoining section needed all this superfluous earth to bring him
up to the required level. This state of things naturally produced a
mutuality of interest, resulting in unanimous action and a level town.
In fact Kansas City is the only town known that sells solid lots and
hollow lots, and both at the same price.
But I did not commence this letter to write about the growth of
Kansas City and Altoona, but rather about the causes that have made
them grow at all. In the Columbia, (S. C.) Register of a late date
there is a bitter tirade against railroads as being the cause of our
woes, depreciating instead of increasing the value of property,
impoverishing the people and entailing the worst possible evils upon
the country. One can readily imagine a little cross road station on a
sand hill as in a piney barren which a hundred railroads could not
transform into a city. To such places the locomotive is much like
that queer bird that swallows and voids its food almost at the same
instant, and you cannot get the "dead wood on it" either. It rushes
past with a clang and a roar, leaving nothing but smoke behind. It
benefits the little hamlet by giving it easy access to other points,
but cannot nurse it into greatness, because the place and its
surroundings have no elements of growth or production.
But to say that railroads have injured or retarded the growth of the
country is superlative nonsense. They have their faults, like
everything in art or nature, but these faults are not radical and can
be eliminated without impairing the efficiency of the most beneficent
agency of modern times. The air we breathe is sometimes filled with
death dealing malaria, as is now the case in several of our Southern
cities, but we should use disinfectants instead of cursing the first
element of life.
To illustrate the nature and necessity of railroads it would be
interesting if you would give in your excellent paper a brief summary
of the daily business on the main line of the Pennsylvania Central,
whose heavy freight and swift passenger trains follow each other every
few minutes, transporting daily so many thousand passengers and tons
of freight that it is folly to guess at the amount of its traffic.
But a little while ago, when I was a young man, the whole trade and
travel between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh went in Conestoga wagons,
stages and sleepy canal boats. What would be Pennsylvania's condition
today if this single channel of interstate commerce were destroyed?
The daily loss to the State and whole country would run into the
In one way the railroad is an expensive luxury, the eighty thousand
miles in the United States having cost more than ($4,000,000,000) four
thousand million of dollars. But what of that? Other improvements in
town and country have cost much more than that without yielding so
much profit to the country. It is demonstrable that our railroad
system (with all its faults) has added more than ten thousand millions
to the value of the property and trade of the United States. Compare
the present population and property valuation of Pennsylvania, with
what they were thirty years ago, making proper allowance for other
causes, and for present shrinkage from hard times, and see what
railroads have done for that State. But their efforts are most
distinctly seen in the development of new and sparsely populated
regions. Without the advent of railroads the Great West beyond the
Mississippi, embracing more than two thirds of the world's Republic,
would be about where it was a generation ago. Instead of that, it is
now divided into twenty-one great States and territories, containing a
population of about fifteen millions. The iron horse, as the
harbinger of civilization, crossed the Mississippi about thirty years
ago, and has been gradually penetrating the vast expanse of western
territory ever since; carrying multitudes of emigrants to new and
pleasant homes, opening farms, developing rich mines, building towns
and cities, and transforming a wild wilderness into the habitations of
civilized, industrious and prosperous communities. In portions of
this vast and beautiful region, you may put down the railroad as
having increased population and the value of property a hundred,
instant of four or five fold.
But for the territory west of the Mississippi the work of the
railroad is only just begun. Here lies a vast expanse of plain,
forest and mountain, extending from Manitoba to Matamoras, and from
the great river to the greater ocean, containing 2,182,000 square
miles, capable of sustaining a hundred millions of people, with
incalculable stores of agricultural and mineral wealth, and a large
portion of it quite undeveloped owing to the absence of railroads. A
single line extends across the territory from east to west, known as
the Union and Central Pacific; but this line, if it were ever so
honest and liberal could not begin to meet the requirements of one
half the territory named. On the contrary, while running over a route
where the best good can be done in the way of extending settlements,
its policy of exorbitant charges has robbed the country of
$100,000,000 in extortion, and by its abuse of the government's
bounty, made the very name of subsidy odious in the minds of the
American people.
To compete with this gigantic and crushing monopoly other
transcontinental roads are needed, not only to protect commerce from
legalized plunder, but to settle large and rich districts to the north
and south of the Union and Central Pacific. The Northern Pacific has
already pushed out into Dakota, and under its stimulating power, the
northwest is becoming one of the richest grain growing districts in
the world. To complete its line to Puget Sound it only requires such
extension of time on its land grant as will enable the company to
change this imperial domain into money.
In the great Southwest lies a region larger than the thirteen
original States, and in natural resources richer than it is large.
This vast territory, so genial in clime and so rich in undeveloped
wealth, is absolutely destitute of transportation facilities, by river
or by rail. The Texas Pacific, built already nearly five hundred
miles in Texas, seeks to extend its line through to the Pacific, on or
near the 32d parallel, thus building an open highway to the Pacific,
free from discrimination or extortion, and to act in competition with
the present monopoly of the 42d parallel. To achieve so great a
result, the company asks nothing but the good will of the government a
guarantee of five per cent. interest on their construction bonds,
which guarantee is amply secured. The conviction of the absolute and
pressing necessity of this road is so general, and the benefits to
flow from its construction so great that there is little doubt the
Texas Pacific bill, already reported favorably upon in both Houses of
Congress, will become a law before the Christmas holidays. - JAY
A Bigamist and a Pretender.
A. W. Edwards, the young man who was married one time too many in
Huntingdon recently, and managed to escape the clutches of the law,
was caught in this city at Seventh avenue and Eighth street, between 8
and 9 o'clock last evening. The warrant upon which he was taken was
issued at the instance of B. Wolf, a clothing dealer of Huntingdon,
who charges Edwards with using his seductive influence to such an
extent that B. Wolf was induced to sell the said Edwards a bill of
goods on "tick." B. Wolf evidently wants his money, and says Edwards
represented falsely in obtaining the "cloding." The latter is in the
lock up. It is said there are also warrants out for his arrest on the
charge of bigamy. One of his wives is in this city.
Honoring the Brave and True.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has presented bronze medals to a
number of soldiers who took an active part in the movement of
Hartranft's train to Pittsburgh during the riots of 1877. The medals
have on one side a facsimile of locomotive No. 505, with eleven
guardsmen on the tender, the word "Altoona" above, and July 27, 1877,
below the cut, and on the reverse side the following is the
inscription: "Presented by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to (name
and organization), as a mark of appreciation for his bravery and
fidelity in the movement of Governor Hartranft's train from Altoona to
Pittsburgh, July 27, 1877."
A Rapid Run to Pittsburgh.
The fast line on the Pennsylvania railroad, composed of eleven
cars, heavily laden, which arrived in Pittsburgh on Tuesday night at
11:26, left Altoona forty minutes behind time. The run from Altoona
to Pittsburgh was made without a single stop, the train arriving there
on time. This is pronounced by railroad men to be a most remarkable
run. The famous engineer, "Old Tom" Ridley, with engine 152, drew the
Of Interest to School Directors.
The township auditors in different parts of the State are insisting
on school directors making a full exhibit of their books and vouchers
in the settlement of their accounts, and the result so far has been
the correction of many abuses, the cutting down of expenses, and a
relief to taxpayers. In one or two instances, notably one in
Northumberland county, directors have refused to do this. The
township auditors in Northumberland county placed a director under
arrest and put him in jail for his contumacy.
Large Onions.
Mr. J. H. Christian, residing at the three culverts, a short
distance above this city, brought to our office Thursday morning four
onions weighing three pounds and four ounces, known as the "Great
Western." Mr. C. says he has twenty-five bushels of the same kind and
Democratic conventions this year have been exceedingly lively
affairs. Down in Juniata county the other day two of the "unwashed"
settled their little differences after the convention by a friendly
"set-to." Result: broken nose of one of the belligerents, which was
patched up by the nominee for Assembly, Dr. Banks, free gratis, we
suppose, because it was all in the family.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, August 22, 1878, page
A bad thing to keep - late hours.
The first duty on T - don't forget to cross it.
A bad scrape - getting shaved with a dull razor.
It is fashionable now for ladies to wear eye- glasses.
The dog days are waning; not so with cat nights.
A novelty among underwear for gentlemen is the filet shirt.
Passenger travel is good at present on the Pennsylvania railroad.
Twenty six persons, male and female, rusticate in the Cambria
Ripe tomatoes will remove ink and other stains from white clothes.
A collar two sizes too small tries a man's soul as well as his
The rising man - the balloonist. The coming man - the Communist.
Changeable silks in delicate shades are becoming fashionable for the
It's the shear-est kind of nonsense for a man to attempt to cut his
own hair.
The Eleventh avenue girl who wears a diamond ring generally has an
itchy nose.
Widows are wearing the close, cottage-shaped bonnet. Emma bides her
Any man pays too much for his whistle when he has to wet it fifteen or
twenty times a day.
Warts on the nose can be removed by rubbing them against another
"feller's" fist. Try it.
Mr. Albert Ford, Pennsylvania railroad agent at Cresson, is the right
man in the right place.
Handkerchiefs for ladies' and gentlemen's wear are plain hemstitched,
with polka dot centres.
Johnny White, of Huntingdon, caught a twelve pound catfish near Newton
Hamilton on Friday.
The tramp does not hide his money in a stocking. He takes no stockin'
such proceedings.
The happiest moments in a youth's life is when he becomes the
possessor of "a coat with a tail."
The ladies of the Presbyterian Church at Williamsburg held a very
successful festival during last week.
Mr. D. C. Kauffman, who was so badly injured by accident at Mapleton,
noticed Friday morning, is dead.
All the nice boys have their hair closely lawn-mowed. It stabs the
flies to death and bothers the mosquitoes.
The prudent school boy is now getting the upper end of his pants faced
with tin against the first Monday of September.
At Martinsburg Thursday morning scarcely any rain fell, but at
Woodberry, six miles away, it rained very hard for almost two
A party of Huntingdon berry-pickers went along the canal last
Thursday in a canal boat, returning the next day with 440 bushels of
George D. and J. Harry Isett, of Yellow Springs, this county, filed
on Saturday a petition in bankruptcy in the United States District
Every man is, in a sense, three different persons - the man he
thinks himself to be, the man other people think him to be, and the
man he really is.
Captain Confer's dog caught and killed a weasel in his grocery
store Thursday morning. The animal came from across the avenue and
ran deliberately into the store.
Deschner's gun shop in Bellefonte was burglarized of three
revolvers last Saturday morning. This is the third robbery Deschner
has been subjected to.
Morphia, opium and remedies of their class only stupefy and seldom
cure. For diseases of infancy, use Dr. Ball's Baby Syrup - which is
safe and sure in its effects. Price 25c.
A man whose name was not ascertained was hurt in a stone quarry at
Jackstown, in Jack's narrows, near Mapleton, by a fall of stone on
Wednesday. He died yesterday morning.
We don't like to disparage home enterprise, but our city belles
must look to their laurels, or they will be left behind in the art of
entertaining by the pretty girls of the pretty village of
The funeral of George Weaver, Esq., took place at Newry on
Saturday. He was one of the oldest residents of that place, being
aged 73 years. For over twenty years he was a justice of the
A vegetable phenomenon is to be seen in the garden of Mr. Joseph
Weisser, in Ebensburg, in the shape of a Siberian crab-apple tree on
which are apples fully developed, as well as myriads of blossoms
freshly blown.
The Potter House, at Philipsburg, Pa., is as good a hotel as a
traveler would wish to stop at. The table is furnished with the very
best, and Mr. Faulkner, the proprietor, is a landlord who thoroughly
understands how to treat his guests.
A young fellow named Kurtz, who resides in Cambria borough, on a
wager for the beer jumped into a well twelve feet deep, which
contained about four feet of water, and stuck in the mud. Prompt
assistance probably saved him from drowning.
Mr. Benjamin Norton, an esteemed citizen of Newton Hamilton, and
recording steward of the Methodist Episcopal Church at that place,
died Thursday afternoon of hemorrhage of the lungs, on the grounds of
the Juniata Valley Camp Meeting Association.
The funeral of Clarence, eldest son of Hon. Archibald McAllister,
of Royer, who died so suddenly last week, took place at his late home
on Friday. There was a large attendance, quite a number of friends
from Altoona and Hollidaysburg being present.
Esquire Clouser, of New Bloomfield, Perry county, has a pumpkin
vine 64 feet long. One leaf on it is 25 inches in width. The vine
already has well formed pumpkins, the first, 10 days old, measuring 5
feet and 5 inches in circumference.
"Onions" is the name of a Pittsburgh bankrupt. When he is
discharged he ought to be relieved of his name as well as the
obligation to pay his debts, and given one less odoriferous. His
creditors doubtless think by this time "Onions" by any other name
would smell as sweet.
The Mooresville camp meeting is located several miles from the
railroad, yet there were two thousand people on the ground at one
time. There were fifty conversions during the progress of the
meeting. The order and management are highly commended by those who
were present.
Notwithstanding the unusual cry of hard times there has been quite
a number of improvements made in the city during the summer. Several
new houses, brick and frame, have been and are yet being built, and
many people are raising and remodeling their residences.
Mr. David Kauffman, an employe on the Pennsylvania railroad, was
badly injured at Mapleton Wednesday morning. He was caught by the
bumper of a car, and his abdomen was squeezed into a space of about
six inches. He was taken to his home in Mapleton, and everything is
being done for him that medical skill can devise.
Thomas Smiley, a former resident of Sinking valley, met with an
accident which occasioned his death. He was employed as a trackman on
the Michigan Southern railroad, and while assisting to carry a rail
missed his footing and fell to the ground, the rail falling on him,
effecting internal injuries, from which he soon died. He leaves &
wife and two children to mourn his untimely demise.
Williamsburg Trumpetings.
Catfish and bass are abundant in the river near Williamsburg, but
hard to catch.
Our telephone, although quite a costly affair, is not much more
used than the old canal.
Professor Kober, the German musician, caught a muskrat with rod and
line recently that weighed eight pounds.
The stone quarry operated by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company near
town, closes operations to day indefinitely.
A two-year old daughter of James Patterson died on Wednesday
morning last of diphtheria. The funeral took place Thursday
The divorce suit promised from this place some weeks ago will not
be forthcoming. The parties interested having about come to an
amicable agreement.
The National Greenback Labor party held their meeting last week in
front of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company's warehouse and used the
platform of the same for the speakers stand - which was thought by
many to be decidedly "cheeky."
Somewhat extended investigation leads to the belief that the
National party will not poll as many votes in Woodberry township this
year as it did last. The sins of Justus Schwab and Kearney and Megy
are being visited upon the heads of the Nationals.
Yesterday morning Clarence H. McAllister, son of Hon. A.
McAllister, of Springfield Furnace, was found dead in his bed at his
father's residence. He had been complaining for several days of a
feeling of weakness, but on the day preceding his death had been at
his father's office, helping with the business. His sudden death was
a great shock to his friends and to all who knew him. He was aged
about thirty-five years, and was a young man of more than ordinary
ability. We truly mourn with those who mourn over this sad
Providence. The funeral will take place from his father's residence
on Saturday the 17th, at 1 o'clock.
On Tuesday evening last an eight-year old daughter of William
Fornwalt, residing between Williamsburg and Springfield Furnace, fell
into the well at the parental residence, a distance of twenty-five
feet. The frantic screams of the mother attracted the attention of
Dr. J. F. Arnold and Rev. R. H. Wharton, who were passing, and after a
great deal of effort they managed to rescue the child from her
dangerous position. We learn that she has been spitting blood ever
since, and it is feared that she struck a side-piece in the well and
received internal injuries.
On Wednesday last County Superintendent Stephens examined a large
class of teachers in the Williamsburg school house. At the conclusion
of the examination the directors met and made the following
Williamsburg - Grammar School, S. B. Smith; intermediate, Miss Emma
McCaulley; primary, M. S. Eicholtz
Sorrick's - John A. Biddle.
Dean's - Samuel McHenry.
Good's - George Mummert.
Franklin Forge - J. K Shoenfelt.
Cove Forge - D. W. White.
Springfield Furnace - Henry Estep.
The highest salary was fixed at $35, the lowest at $30 - a
reduction. Which is bad enough.
Sale of the "Globe" Postponed.
The constable sale of the Globe was postponed again Monday morning
through the swearing out of a writ of certiorari by some labor
reformer. The executions against the Globe were based upon two claims
of about $19, each for wages earned by two young men who worked in the
office during the past two or three months, and who are depending on
this money for the payment of their board bills. The writ of
certiorari was taken out for the purpose of keeping these young men
out of their wages, for it seems there is no dispute about the amount
due. This is labor reform, and is a fair illustration of what may be
expected of a party whose avowed purpose is to keep up an existence at
the expense of other men's labor. Some of the members of the "Globe"
Publishing Company, we believe, are responsible men, and profess to be
men of honor and fair dealing; but their conduct in refusing payment
of an honest claim of the trifling sum of $38 for wages earned by poor
men is enough to stamp them as frauds and to condemn forever any party
over which they would assume control. The parties that swore out the
certiorari are disposed now to let the concern be sold, and another
effort will be made to dispose of the same sometime during the last of
this month.
Roaring Spring Items.
Next week the Grangers propose to picnic at this place.
Samuel and Malachi Snyder propose to erect a distillery in
Bloomfield township, Bedford county.
An accident happened to a child of Philip Bartlebaugh, at
Bloomfield mines. An arm was broken. Dr. Stayer was the surgeon.
Mrs. Garland, an old lady of about seventy-five, was gored recently
by a vicious cow. Happily she is recovering. Dr. Stayer dressed her
Jacob Cowen, an old and respected citizen, died on the 18th inst.
He was afflicted for more than fourteen years with rheumatism. During
a greater part of the time he was almost entirely helpless.
J. King McLanahan, the lessee of the Bloomfield ore mines, is
having an improvement constructed in his washers so as to enable him
to save a large percentage of fine ore. The shipments of ore from the
mines are very large. Mr. McLanahan deserves credit for the efficient
manner he operates these mines.
Quite an interesting slander suit was heard before Esquire Jackson
on Saturday last. The prosecutor hailing from the village of East
Examinations and appointment of teachers in Taylor township took
place yesterday. The class for examination was very large, larger
than any yet examined here, and the applicants for schools numerous.
Taylor township has eleven schools, and the appointments were as
follows: Roaring Spring grammar school, W. F. Kile; Roaring Spring
primary, L. I. Biddle; Sharpsburg, Mosheim Moser; Skyles, ___
Crumbaker; Oak Grove, ___ Garver; Cowen, David Martin; Snyder, I. H.
Stern; Walter, Levi Points; Rodmar, H. Earlerbaugh [sic]; Dry Gap, J.
W. Curfman; Plum Creek, ___ Neff. Average salary about $30 per
The Token by Which He Knew His Wife.
During a recent thunderstorm a Bell's Mills man went into the
office of the superintendent of the Bell's Gap railroad and requested
the privilege of talking through the telephone to his wife, who had
agreed to be at the other end of the line at Lloydsville at the same
hour. The two passed words, but the husband couldn't believe that his
interlocutor was really his better half. He finally asked her to say
something known to themselves only. Just then a rambling streak of
lightning came on the wires and the husband was knocked across the
office. As he sadly gathered himself up he remarked: "Correct; that's
Accident to a Freight Brakeman.
James McDermott, a brakeman on the Hollidaysburg local freight
train, had a narrow escape from a serious injury, if not death,
Wednesday. He was assisting to "rope" cars on the Bloomfield road,
and the car upon which he was standing was pushed off the track and
rolled down an embankment. Mr. McDermott probably saved his life by
jumping off as the car upset. As it was be sustained a severe sprain
of an ankle. The same train knocked a cow from the track at Allegheny
Notes from Hollidaysburg.
Some mischievous individual presented Mr. William Crawford on
Tuesday night with two heads of cabbage which they introduced into his
dwelling through a front window.
George Weaver, Esq., an old and highly respected citizen of Newry,
and father-in-law of Sheriff Stiffler, died Friday.
A commission to inquire into the lunacy of Benjamin Boyer visited
the almshouse Friday evening. Mr. Boyer was a former resident of
Altoona, but was removed to the county farm some ten years ago.
Yesterday Justice C. B. Jones, at his office in Gaysport, made two
loving Puzzletown hearts beat as one. The happy couple were Mr. Thomas
Nolan and Miss Emma Harlin. No keerds. [sic]
There is a young lady in Gaysport who has reached the age of twenty
one who-only weighs seventy-six pounds, while another, only thirteen,
tips the beam to the tune of one hundred and eighty-five.
A Mrs. Downs and a Miss Riley were thrown back out of a spring
wagon on Saturday in front of the Kellerman House, caused by the
horses making a sudden start. Neither were seriously hurt.
A notice of ejectment has been served on Farmer McCahan by the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company. The farmer has his feather up about
it, and avers he will give the company a lively fight for that strip
of land.
"De Lord keep dis old digger in dis world so long, because he knows
how to make good medicine to cure the poor who has no money,'' was the
answer given by an old centurion as he lay sunning himself beside the
George Ford appeared before one of the justices of the peace
yesterday and invoked the strong arm of the law to protect him from
the threatened vengeance of a young man named Charles Farnwalts. Both
parties reside in Shantytown. A cow that carried off a ladder on her
horns was the cause of the trouble.
Our town was visited or Thursday morning by a copious shower of
rain, accompanied with several terrific claps of thunder. The
lightning struck a large maple tree on Murry avenue, Gaysport, and
also knocked a small hole through the front of Hugh Smith's brick
residence on the same street. Strange to say Mrs. Smith and children,
who were seated in the room, although covered with dust from the
plastering, were not even stunned by the shock.
The citizens of Duncansville are all excitement over a wedding that
took place in that village on Monday, in which it is said a youth of
nineteen was forced to wed the wife of his brother. Your reporter has
gone to extra trouble to get the facts, but there being so many
stories about revolvers, big rolls of greenbacks and other powerful
motors, he feels himself inadequate to do the matter justice. It
appears that last spring a young man named Charles Davis, said to be
under twenty years of age, visited a brother named Abel Davis, who has
resided for some eight years in Newport, Ky. Thursday last Charles
Davis returned to his home. The next day, Friday, a beautiful and
expensively dressed lady arrived at the American House, and soon after
engaged a carriage to take her to the home of Mr. Davis, near
Allegheny forge. On Sunday Mr. Abel Davis arrived and stopped at the
Kellerman House, in Gaysport. Soon after he hired a carriage to
convey him to the same place. It is said he was armed with two seven
shooters, and demanded that his brother and the lady should be
immediately married, or in case of refusal a horrid tragedy would be
enacted, but on compliance he would give his brother five hundred
dollars. Under such powerful arguments the proposition was agreed to,
and on Monday morning Charles Davis, Abel Davis and the strange lady
who so many of the neighbors affirm is the wife of Abel, called at the
residence of John M. Gibboney, Esq., in Duncansville, and Charles and
the mysterious lady were duly made man and wife in the presence of
Major O. M. Irwin and John Mosslem. Abel Davis claimed before the
justice to be a brother of the woman and subscribed his name to the
marriage certificate "Fred. Tinker." He was recognized and addressed
as Abel Davis by Major Irwin, but denied being Davis.
After the ceremony was over Abel Davis, alias Fred. Tinker, kissed
the bride and demanded a duplicate certificate, at the same time
taking out a large roll of greenbacks and paying the justice, and when
requested to sign the marriage certificate as a witness wrote his name
"Fred. Tinker." The parties then left the office. Young Davis and
wife returned to her home and the brother Abel to his hotel.
Tuesday morning Charles Hewit was engaged to bring the lady to
Hollidaysburg. Young Charley accompanied her part of the way, but
left the carriage before reaching town. In Hollidaysburg she was
joined by Abel Davis, alias Fred. Tinker, and was taken by Mr. Hewit
to the passenger depot in Altoona, and they are now presumed to be
back in their old Kentucky home. There is no proof that the lady was
the previous wife [of] Mr. Davis or of any other person. Abel Davis
told Justice Gibbony and others of his old associates that the woman
was his brother Samuel's wife, but people who know say that Samuel
Davis is now living in Stark county, Ohio, and his wife, who was a
Miss Benton, is in Mercer county, Pa. The only solution arrived at is
that Davis is either a lunatic or has a big interest in finding the
lady a husband.
Mr. Isaac Diehl, who is intimately acquainted with all the actors
in that remarkable wedding at Duncansville, says there is no doubt of
the lady being the lawful wife of Abel Davis. They have been married
some two years and live in elegant style in Newport, Kentucky. They
have no children. Mrs. Hattie Davis has on several occasions visited
the parents of her husband, and is known by all the neighbors. The
supposition now is that Mrs. Davis loved her youthful brother-in-law
not wisely but too well, and followed him to his mountain home. Her
husband followed her, and being crazed by liquor forced them to take
the step they did. The first husband and the doubly-married wife went
west on the way passenger Wednesday afternoon.
Coal Oil Lamp Accident.
On Saturday evening last while a young daughter of James P.
McClellan, who lives on Lexington avenue, was in the act of carrying a
coal oil lamp from the dining-room to the kitchen, by some means let
it fall, breaking the lamp and throwing the oil over the carpet which
immediately took fire. The young lady gave the alarm, which brought
her mother and brother to her assistance. Mrs. McClellan exhibited
much presence of mind by grasping a lot of clothes, ready for the
iron, near by and smothering the flames. But for her timely
assistance we might have a dire calamity to chronicle.
An Important Patent Decision.
Attorney General Devens bas sent to the Secretary of the Interior
an opinion in a certain case to the effect that when letters patent
for a mechanical invention have been applied for and taken out jointly
in the names of several individuals, they are void if, as a matter of
fact, only one of them was the inventor. In such a case, the letters
patent cannot be made valid by any act of the individuals or of the
Patent Office.
The Sabbath school of the First Presbyterian Church will hold its
annual picnic on Thursday, August 29. The location has not yet been
determined upon, but it will likely be held at Scotch Knob spring, one
mile east of Kittanning Point.
A New Post of the Grand Army.
Colonel Burchfield, of this city, who was detailed for the purpose
by an order from the headquarters of the Grand Army of the Republic,
Department of Pennsylvania, accompanied by Major George F. Dern, Dr.
W. D. Hall and D. H. Munson, proceeded to Philipsburg, Pa., Thursday
to organize at that place a new post of the Grand Army. The
organization was successfully effected. Twenty-six members were
mustered in, and the following officers elected by the post, which was
named "John W. Geary Post No. 90:"
Post Commander - James G. Wighman.
Senior Vice Commander - E W. Beales.
Junior Vice Commander - Henry Stockbridge.
Quartermaster - Robert Hudson.
Surgeon - J. H. Peirce.
Officer of the Day - G. F. Hoop.
Officer of the Guard - H. C. Warfel.
Chaplain - N. H. Miller.
After the installation of the officers the post commander made the
following appointments:
Adjutant - E. W Hale.
Sergeant Major - T.J. Myers.
Quartermaster Sergeant - J. Gorton.
The new post bids fair to become one of the largest in the
Stealing from a Camp Meeting Policeman.
Two young men named Wellington Cramer and John H. Kershner were
riding by on a freight train that passed Newton Hamilton camp meeting
grounds Thursday. A policeman employed by the association was at the
station unloading some goods for the grounds, and had hung his cost at
a point which seems to have been convenient to the clutches of
Wellington and John. At all events, when the train left the station
the coat and a revolver which was reposing in one of the pockets went
with W. and J. When the policeman discovered his loss he employed Mr.
S. F. B. Morse's (now deceased) invention to head the thieves off in
this city. This had such good effect that the young men were gobbled
at the Fourth street crossing. The stolen revolver was thrown away
near the office of Despatcher Cramer. The Newton Hamilton policeman
came on and identified the men. They acknowledged the theft, and they
were sent back to Lewistown on the Pittsburgh express train last
The Oldest Living Steamboat Captain.
Captain Robert Beers, of Pittsburgh, the oldest living steamboat
captain, has been sojourning at the Logan House for several days past.
He was en route to Cape May, but feeling unwell terminated his journey
for the present at this point. The venerable captain is very rich in
anecdote and reminiscences of early steamboat times. At one time in
his life he thought a steamboat ninety feet in length a huge boat, and
when his friends built one ninety-two feet in length, he was fearful
it could not be safely managed around the bends in the river. He has,
however, lived to see river steamboats built one hundred and twenty-
five feet in length and go around the crooks in the river with all
ease and safety. May the old gentleman be restored to health while he
remains in our midst and be returned to home and friends in safety, to
enjoy yet many happy years.
A Bad Plant.
On Monday night the police found a Rice plant, of the human
species, withering away on the sidewalk. It had been drowned in too
much bad water, and was drooping and helpless. In pity it was torn up
by the roots and transplanted to the lock-up, where it breathed forth
its fragrance until yesterday morning, when it was brought to the
notice of Mayor Hurd, in the hope that he might impart some new life
to the withered plant. After some wordy manipulations the Rice plant
dropped some seeds into the city coffers, and was transplanted to its
free, native element. It was not long, however, until it was found
blooming and wasting its fragrance on the desert air, and the
conservators of the peace fearing that some untimely frost might nip
so beautiful a flower again housed it in the city conservatory, where
it now rests. The Mayor will doubtless try his revivifying powers on
this stalk of Rice this morning, to health and comfort of the city
Petitions in Bankruptcy.
Yesterday morning Mr. David T. Caldwell, of Tyrone, formerly of the
firm of Lloyd, Caldwell & Co., bankers, Tyrone, appeared before
Register in Bankruptcy John Brotherline, at Hollidaysburg, and filed a
voluntary petition in bankruptcy. His liabilities are $192,000, and
his assets nominal. He has four hundred and sixty creditors.
B. H. Taylor & Son, one of the largest lumber firms in
Williamsport, Pa, on Monday last filed a voluntary petition in
bankruptcy. The liabilities and assets are both large. This firm has
withstood the financial pressure until the present time, and the
failure was a great surprise to the people of the lumber region. It
is thought they will pay fifty cents on the dollar.
Sad Accident.
On Thursday afternoon Mr. Henry Beyer, of Tipton, engaged in the
lumber business at Ramey station, Clearfield county, was instantly
killed. He and his employes were engaged in rolling logs down an
incline to the mill. The logs began to come down end foremost, when
he called to stop sending them down. He then passed over the logs
until he reached the foremost one, which started to roll and threw him
in front, passing over him. Two others followed and rested on his
body. When taken from beneath them it was found that his neck was
broken. His remains were brought to his home in Tipton yesterday. He
leaves a wife and eight children to mourn his death. Mr. Beyer was a
most excellent citizen, and a large circle of acquaintances will
deeply sympathize with his bereaved family in this melancholy tragedy.
He was aged about 50 years.
Serious Accident.
About 6 o'clock on Monday evening a serious accident occurred near
Wilmore, which may prove fatal to one of the parties. While several
of the workmen under Supervisor Ehrenfelt were returning home on a
hand car William Cowan, and John Long, assistant foreman, were engaged
in propelling the car. The crank broke, precipitating the men
violently forward on the track. They were run over by the car. Mr.
Cowan sustained the fracture of a leg, besides severe internal
injuries. Mr. Long also had a leg broken as well as receiving some
minor cuts and bruises. Mr. Cowan was not expected to recover from
his injuries. He has been in the employ of the company almost since
the opening of the road.
Fairview Cemetery on Fire.
On Wednesday last Robert Cox, the sexton of Fairview cemetery, went
to camp meeting at Newton Hamilton, but before leaving he gave his son
Joseph instructions to cut and pile the weeds and long grass
separately in the field surrounding the place of interment. Joseph
did so, but at the same time thought he would see how the piles would
look in flames; therefore he set fire to them. The fire speedily got
under way, and the brave Joseph, who had "stood on the burning deck,''
immediately dusted for the city to get help to extinguish the raging
element. The fire was put out by the neighbors, but not until an acre
or two of land was swept by the fire.
A Precocious Chicken.
Mr. George Crawford, who lives on Eighteenth street, near Eleventh
avenue, is the owner of a young chicken that was hatched on the 29th
of last March. On the 1st of this month this precocious bird
commenced to lay, and it has dropped an egg every alternate day since
that time. Mr. Crawford, besides having the boss chicken, has under
cultivation nine large stalks of tobacco, some of them having already
attained a height of about five feet. Under one of these tobacco
stalks his prodigy of a chicken makes her nest and deposits her eggs,
one of which is in our possession.
Argument List - July Term, 1878 - Commencing August 26, 1878.
1 - Jacob S. Burkharts, executor, vs John C. Kinsel. No. 352, July
term, 1876. Motion for a new trial.
2 - Thomas Wilson, trustee, vs Albert Wilson. No. 28, January
term, 1875. Case submitted to court.
3 - A. F. Twiss, for use E. Shaw vs John Hickey. No. 230, April
term, 1877. Case stated.
4 - Ake vs Ayle. No. 67, January term, 1878. Certiorari.
5 - Jaekel's use vs Spencer and McCay. No. 68, January term, 1878.
6 - Shoenfelt vs Yarver. No. 32, April term, 1878.
7 - J. H. Harris & Co. vs C. C. Mateer and J. Ross Mateer. No.
33, April term, 1878. Certiorari.
8 - James Morgan, Sarah Morgan, in right of said Sarah vs Simon
Knott. No. 36, April term, 1878. Certiorari.
9 - Huff vs Ryder. Certiorari.
10 - James McConnell vs C. B. Malone. No. 75, April term, 1878.
11 - Thomas vs Karns. No. 10, July term, 1878. Certiorari.
12 - S. P. McFadden vs Leonard Buckle. Fi. fa., No. 108, April
term, 1878. Rule to show cause.
13 - In the matter of the rule on County Commissioners and answer
thereto to show cause.
14 - Rule on the School Directors of Catharine township to answer
thereto to show cause.
15 - Mrs. Mary Hoover's administrator vs Altoona City. No. 42,
April term, 1878. Rule to show cause.
16 - In the matter of the rule and answer of Henry Taylor,
executor of Michael Bowers, deceased.
17 - Leopold Firg vs Fisher & Haid. Fi. fa., No. 100, July
term, 1876. Rule to show cause.
18 - Commonwealth vs Harry Cryder, Pat. Flynn. Fi fa, No. 90,
January term, 1878. Rule to show cause.
19 - P. McNally now for use John Cessna vs John McCombs. Fi. fa.,
No. 173. October term, 1878. Rule to show cause.
20 - In the matter of the estate of James Mattingley. Citation to
show cause, etc.
21 - Citation to John A. Leuck, executor of Jacob Hoover, deceased.
To show cause, etc.
22 - Allegheny Building and Loan Association vs James Rainey. Fi
fa., No. 158, April term, 1878. Rule to show cause.
23 - In the matter of the citation to answer of John Brotherline,
executor of Hannah Elder, deceased.
24 - J. M. Gemmill vs P. Kelley's committee. Ven. ex., No. 118,
January term, 1877. Rule to show cause, etc.
25 - Shultzberger & Co. vs P. Kelly's committee. Same as
26 - S. M. Woodcock vs Rose Mulligan, et al. No. 68, equity.
Defendants demurrer.
27 - James O'Neill vs S. M. Woodcock and James Kearney. No. 69,
equity. Defendants demurrer.
28 - In the matter of exceptions to report of auditor distributing
money in the hands of the Sheriff arising from the sale of the real
estate of William Quinn.
29 - In the matter of the exceptions to acknowledgment of the
Sheriff's deed to Lawrence Kimmell for the real estate of Peter
30 - In the matter of the exceptions to acknowledgment of the
Sheriff's deed to the Altoona Building and Loan Association for the
real estate of James R. Bigham.
31 - In the matter of the exceptions to acknowledgment of the
Sheriff's deed to the Altoona Building and Loan Association for the
real estate of James Alexander.
32 - Exceptions to the report of the auditor distributing money in
the hands of James Green, administrator of William Green,
33 - Rule on F. P. Tierney, Esq., to show cause why he should not
pay over money collected for H. D. & L. D. Woodruff.
34 - Margaret Zentmyer vs D. Orr Alexander, M. Alexander and T. M.
Alexander. No. 60, equity. Defendents demurrer. Filed May 19,
35 - Isaac Taylor's use vs Peter McAleer. Ven. ex., No. 61, July
term, 1878. Rule to show cause, etc.
36 - Commonwealth vs Enos McMullen's child. No. 28, October
session, 1876. Rule to show cause, etc.
37 - William Shaffer vs James W. Hays and Moses Miller. Ven. ex.,
No. 136, October term, 1877. Rule to show cause, etc.
38 - John Brotherline vs Sarah J. Brotherline. Fi. fa., No. 232,
July term, 1876. Exceptions to acknowledgement of Sheriff's deed.
39 - Commonwealth for use of Jesse and Daniel Maurer vs Nathaniel
Maurer. Fi. fa., 218. October term, 1877. Proceedings for
collection of judgment suspended and defendant directed to produce
evidence of defect in title and extent thereof.
40 - Report of viewers and reviewers to lay out public road in
Taylor township.
41 - Report of viewers and reviewers to view and vacate a portion
of a public road in Antis township.
42 - Exceptions to report of viewers to lay out public road leading
from Roaring Springs to Bloomfield furnace.
43 - Commonwealth vs Frank Washington, January sessions, 1878.
Surety of the peace (threats).
44 - Commonwealth vs William D. Goughenour. April sessions, 1878.
Surety of the peace (threats).
45 - Commonwealth vs Harry Wingard. April sessions, 1878. Surety
of the peace (threats).
46 - Commonwealth vs Thomas Engle. April sessions, 1878. Surety
of the peace (threats).
47 - Commonwealth vs Stephen Raible. Surety of the peace.
48 - Commonwealth vs James Cochran. July sessions. Surety of the
48 1/2. - Commonwealth vs M. Fitzharris. July sessions, 1878.
Appeal from judgment of City Recorder to Quarter Sessions.
49 - A. A. DeFord vs Simon Knott. No. 9, July term, 1878.
50 - Mrs. Stiffler vs Thompson. No. 47, July term, 1878.
51 - Jos. K. Ely vs Daniel Poffenberger. No. 140, July term, 1878.
52 - William M. Lloyd's assignees vs Philip Dempsey. No. 33,
October term, 1876. Rule to show cause, etc.
53 - I. C. Houck vs Borough of Hollidaysburg. No 516, April term,
1878. Rule to show cause, etc.
54 - I. C. Houck vs Borough of Hollidaysburg. No 516, April term,
1878. Rule to show cause, etc. [sic]
55 - Christ. Hauser vs Thomas A. Durbin. No. 268, October term,
1873; No. 55, April term, 1878. Rule to show cause, etc.
56 - Exceptions to sale of real estate of People's Planing Mill
Company by assignee.
57 - William H. Clayton vs A. S. Morrow, executor of J. H. Rawlins,
deceased. No. 178, April term, 1878. Rule to show cause, etc.
58 - Rule to show cause why exceptions should not be filed to the
report of the auditor distributing money in the hands of the executors
of George Hartzel, deceased.
59 - D. K. Ramey vs Adam Bower and Elizabeth Bower. Fi. fa., No.
195, July term, 1876. Rule to show cause.
60 - James Kearney vs E. H. Pritchard. Lev, fa., No. 22, October
term, 1878. Rule to show cause, etc.
61 - Rule on James Roller, guardian of the children of Jacob
Rhodes, deceased, to show cause, etc.
62 - Rule on the executor of Nicholas Burk, deceased, to show
cause, etc.
63 - In the matter of the second partial account of the executors
of Nicholas Burk, deceased. Rule to show cause, etc.
64 - Rule on Thomas Elway, guardian of Lewis McLathery, to show
cause, etc.
65 - Bald Eagle Building and Loan Association vs Alex. Baurer. Fi.
fa., No. 111, July term, 1878. Rule to show cause, etc.
66 - Bald Eagle Building and Loan Association vs M. McCauley. Fi.
fa., No. 115, July term, 1878. Rule to show cause, etc.
67 - O. Guyer, cashier, vs John Reinhart and Fred. Vogt. Fi. fa.,
No. 140, July term, 1878. Rule to show cause, etc.
68 - Rule to show cause why J. M. Calderwood, assignee of S. S.
Haughawaut, should not be discharged.
69 - Rule to show cause why J. M. Calderwood, executor of Thomas
Daugherty, deceased, should not be discharged.
70 - Rule to show cause why confirmation of sale of real estate of
John Malone, deceased, should not be reconsidered.
71 - Exceptions to sale of real estate of John Dixon, deceased, by
72 - In the matter of the order of sale of real estate of J. C.
Trout by assignee. Rule to show cause, etc.
73 - William B. Hays & Son vs John Shoffner. No. 14, January
term, 1876. Rule to show cause, etc.
74 - E. H. Myers & Co. vs John Shoffner. No. 207, October
term, 1875. Rule to show cause, etc.
75 - Rule to show cause why mandamus should not issue against the
city of Altoona. Mrs. Klink and Mrs. Runyon.
76 - Exceptions to report of auditor distributing money in the
hands of the Sheriff arising from the sale of real estate of A. and D.
L. Stoner.
77 - Exceptions to the account of auditor to hear and decide
exceptions to account of Edward Malone, executor of James Malone,
78 - E. M. Jones vs John Wagner. No. 167, October term, 1877.
Rule to show cause, etc.
79 - Louis Plack vs Charles Gomphers. Fi. fa , No. 220, January
term, 1878. Rule to show cause, etc.
80 - Philip Irvin vs Patrick Hickey. Lev. fa., No. 21, July term,
1878. Rule to show cause, etc.
81 - Nicholas Hickey vs Thomas Hickey. Fi. fa., No. 146, July
term, 1878. Exceptions to Sheriff's inquisition.
82 - Catherine L. Shaffer by her next friend vs George W. Shaffer.
No. 5, July term, 1878. Rule to show cause, etc.
83 - In the matter of the rule on Thomas H. Greevy, Esq., to show
cause and answer thereto.
84 - Blair County Building Association vs Pat. Kelly. Fi. fa., No.
219, January term, 1876. Rule to show cause, etc.
85 - J. S. Leisenring vs A. C. Toner. No. 153, July term, 1878.
Rule to show cause, etc.
86 - Exceptions to the report of the auditor distributing funds in
the hands of the trustee of John Earlenbaugh, deceased.
87 - Exceptions to the confirmation of the sale by the
administrator of the estate of James Mattingly, deceased.
88 - Eliza Morgan vs Pennsylvania Railroad. No. 125. January term,
1875. Exceptions to Prothonotary's costs.
Two Young Desperadoes Jailed in Good Time.
A couple of youthful tramps who evidently understand the principles
of arrant communism got themselves into jail on Saturday morning as
the result of some most injudicious words and actions. The names
given by these young students of agrarianism were John Martin, who
said he hailed from Pittsburgh, and Charles King, who gave his
residence as Ohio. The boys are striplings of fifteen or sixteen
years. It appears that they have been connected with the gang of
tramps that infests Haggerty's wood. On Friday afternoon last they
went to the house of a Mr. Warebaugh, about half a mile below the
lower shop, and demanded of the farmer some corn and potatoes and a
kettle to cook them in. Warebaugh refused the demand, and the young
rascals then actually threatened that, if the articles were not
forthcoming, they would burn his barn to the ground. Fortunately two
or three parties overheard the threat, and they at once arrested the
boys and brought them to this city, where they were locked up. On
Saturday morning they had a hearing before Alderman O'Toole, who
committed them to the county jail for trial. On the way to prison
they said in the hearing of Officer Coho that they would ''make it hot
for him" (Warebaugh), and that "this thing won't last always." The
officer says the boys have been lounging about the city and vicinity
all summer.
MOORE - YINGLING - August 15, at the residence of the bride's
parents, near Sharpsburg. Pa., by Rev. J. David Miller, Mr. Matthew
McClarn Moore and Miss Mary Ann Yingling, daughter of Mr. Peter
Yingling, all of Blair county.
OLMES - SCHANTZ - August 18, by Rev. J. F.
Shearer, Carl Olmes and Miss Caroline Schantz, both of this city.
BUNKER - In this city, August 14, Josie F., infant
daughter of Benjamin M. and Louisa J. Bunker,
aged 5 months and 18 days.
GEIB - In this city, August 17, John Geib, aged 37
LAUB - At San Jose, California, July 19, 1878, William Asbury, son
of William B. and Elizabeth Laub, formerly of this city, aged 22
years, 5 months and 4 days.
Again is broken our dear band,
For in a distant, sunny land,
By calm Pacific's breezes fanned,
Our loved one sank to rest.
Yes, in that home of song and flowers,
The elysium of boyhood's hours,
The land of orange-blooming bowers,
The land he loved the best.
Cared for by friends, most truly kind,
Such friends as sick ones rarely find,
From loved ones who are left behind.
But Asbury found them there,
And this cheer the sorrowing heart
To know, that strangers did their part,
To aid him ere the fatal dart
Of death - by kindest care.
And in their letters each kind friend,
Did so much consolation send
That as he neared his journey's end,
He longed so much to go,
To join his loved ones gone before,
Who beckoned from the further shore,
He gently passed the river o'er,
Eternal joys to know.
His only earthly wish was this,
That ere he joined his friends in bliss,
That he might father, mother kiss
And feel a sister's hand
Press close his fingers when the chill
Of death should make his pulses still.
Though natural was the dear one's will.
Yet God more wisely planned.
But oh! 'tis hard, for us to know
That when he closed his eyes below,
None of his loved ones could bestow
The care that others gave.
But now he slumbers far away,
Where California's waters play;
In Oak Hill cemetery clay
Is found dear Asbury's grave.
And so our loved ones scattered round,
Will wait till Gabriel's trump shall sound,
And then may every one be found
At God's right hand in heaven.
Two slumber in the Keystone State,
And two in West Side now await,
And Asbury near the Golden Gate,
Were loved ones lent - not given.
And while we linger lonely here,
Shedding the mourner's grief-wrung tear,
There rests a halo round each bier,
Of hope beyond the tomb.
This robs King Death of all his sting,
For 'midst our lonely pains the ring
Of voices loved, who now can sing
Where flowers eternal bloom.
And while we live, this precious hope
Shall bear our fainting spirits up,
We'll kiss the hand that fills our cup,
For 'tis our Father, wise.
Five loved ones bow before the throne.
Whom we rejoice to call our own,
And gladly now we journey on,
To meet them in the skies.
West Side, Iowa, August 5, 1878.
FOWLER - At Boone, Iowa, July 28, 1878, at the residence of Mrs.
Dr. Diffenbacher, her sister, of bronchial consumption, Mrs. Jennie
C., wife of William S. Fowler, and daughter of William B. and
Elizabeth Laub, aged 29 years, 9 months and 8 days.
Another loving home is found
Where sorrowing loved ones meet,
For in the grave - its rest profound
Does darling Jennie sleep.
A precious wife, a mother kind,
A daughter loving, true,
A treasured sister, pure, refined.
A friend - of such there's few.
But those who knew dear Jennie best
Alone can tell her worth;
For love, unselfish, filled her breast
For dear ones left on earth.
None knew the anxious, longing heart,
knowing that death would come;
That with the loved ones she must part,
So far away from home.
Although by others kindly cared,
Her bosom sister, true -
Inseparable life's scenes they shared,
In death, 'twas done too.
And when the thought that death would come
she wanted husband, "Will."
Who left in haste, his saddened home,
But found her cold and still.
But ere she left, her one request
That seemed so near her heart,
Was that, when she was laid to rest,
Her children should not part.
To daughter Lillie mamma said:
"If I should go away, Then you (she also meant that Eddie)
Must with your grandma stay."
Dear Jennie's gone, but round us here
Her loving influence lives,
And though we shed the lonely tear,
Her memory comfort gives.
And in that world of light, untold,
Where partings never come,
We'll meet, for in land of gold,
Dear Jennie is at home.
West Side, Iowa, August 5, 1878.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE - The undersigned Auditor appointed by the
Orphans' Court or Blair county, to distribute the balance in the hands
of Augustus Boyer, Administrator of Philip Boyer, late of Altoona,
Blair county, deceased, gives notice that he will attend to the duties
or his appointment at his office in Altoona, on MONDAY, the 9th day of
September, A. D. 1878. at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, when and where
all parties interested may attend or be forever debarred from coming
in on said fund. - J. G. FLANIGAN, Auditor.
IN THE COURT OF COMMON Pleas of Blair county. - No. 137. July term,
1878. Libel in Divorce - Catharine Cromer, by her best friend,
Barbara Senninger, vs. Charles H. Cromer. The undersigned having been
appointed by the Court as Commissioner, to hear and report the
testimony in the above case, gives notice that he will attend to the
duties of his appointment at his office in Altoona, on MONDAY, the
16th day of September, A.D. 1878, at 10 o'clock A. M., when and where
all parties interested may attend if they see fit. - J. G. FLANIGAN,
Valuable Real Estate AT Orphans' Court Sale.
BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF the Orphans' Court of Blair county, the
undersigned Administrator of JACOB HARTZEL, deceased, will expose to
Public Sale on the premises, in Antis township, Blair county, Pa.,
At 10 o'clock A. M., a valuable FARM, adjoining the lands of John
Mathers, James Nelson, James Thompson, Daniel Nale and Samuel M. Cox,
containing one hundred and fifty acres, and allowances of six per
centum for roads, &c., and having there on erected a large two-
story plank frame DWELLING HOUSE, one small frame tenement HOUSE,
large bank BARN, and all necessary outbuildings. There is a never-
failing Spring of Water at each house. This Farm has a good Apple
Orchard and a large number of Cherry and Peach Trees in good bearing
Terms of Sale - One-third of purchase money to be paid in cash upon
the confirmation of the sale, and the balance in two equal annual
payments with interest. The unpaid purchase money to be secured by
mortgage or judgment note of the purchaser. $50 of the cash payment to
be paid when it is knocked down on day of sale.
For further information address the undersigned at Sabbath Rest,
Blair county, Pa.
SAMUEL M. COX, Administrator of Jacob Hartzel, deceased.
IN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF Blair county. - In the matter of the
account of John Vanscoyoc and Aaron Vanscoyoc, administrators of
Stephen Vanscoyoc, late of Antis township, in the said county,
deceased. Notice is hereby given that the Auditor appointed by the
said Court to report distribution of the amount in the hands of John
Vanscoyoc and Aaron Vanscoyoc, administrators of Stephen Vanscoyoc,
late of Antis township, in the county of Blair, deceased, will sit for
the purpose of his appointment, at the office of J. D. Hicks, Esq., in
the City of Tyrone, in the said city of Blair, on FRIDAY, the 23d day
of August A.D., 1878, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, when
and where all parties interested may attend, if they see proper, or be
debarred from coming in on said fund.
ANDREW J. RILEY, Auditor. Altoona, August 6, 1878.
THE UNDERSIGNED AUDITOR appointed by the Court to distribute the
funds in the hands of Michael Bridenbaugh and John B. Fluck,
administrators of Jacob Domer, late of Antis township, deceased,
hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties of his
appointment on FRIDAY, the 23d day of August, 1878, at 10 o'clock A.
M., at his office in Hollidaysburg, Pa., when and where all persons
baring claims on said fund must prove their claims or be debarred from
coming in for a share of said fund - WALTER M. HUGHES, Auditor.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, August 22, 1878, page