Blair County PAGenWeb


Blair County PAGenWeb





Blair County Newspaper Articles

News, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.


Items from The Altoona Morning Times, Altoona, Pa.,

Friday, January 20, 1905



Appalling Accident Occurs at Tyrone Shortly After 6 Last Night.





An appalling coasting accident occurred last night shortly after 6 o'clock at Tyrone, in which three young boys received such frightful injuries that little or no hope is held out for their recovery. The accident was the result of a bobsled, on which six boys were coasting, dashing in front of a moving empty engine at the foot of Twelfth street.


The boys are:


WILLARD ELDER, aged about 14, one foot off at ankle and the other off between the ankle and knee, right side crushed and skull fractured.


GEORGE LEIPER, aged 9, right arm off, right ankle crushed, left foot cut off and left arm broken.


GEORGE THOMAS, aged 10, right arm off, left foot crushed, severe wound in back, and hips torn apart.


The boys with three companions, had been coasting down the Twelfth street hill, in Tyrone, at the foot of which runs the Pennsylvania tracks. They had made the trip successfully several times, each time crossing the tracks in safety. A few minutes after they started down the hill, and when near the spot where the fatal accident occurred, had gained frightful momentum. The boys as they drew near to the tracks noticed Middle division engine No. 1,235 backing down from the East Tyrone yards to the station. Three of the boys realizing the imminence of danger, tumbled from the sled, thereby saving themselves from harm. The three unfortunate lads, however, maintained their places, and the sled and the engine reached the crossing simultaneously.


Just as the sled reached the track the engine backed down upon it, striking it with great force and hurling the boys some distance. They were rendered unconscious. The crew in charge of the engine did not notice the boys, and the first knowledge they had of the accident was when they felt the impact of the shock.


The engine was quickly brought to a standstill and Engineer Hull and Fireman Thomas, father of one of the injured boys, ran quickly to render assistance. Mr. Thomas was almost prostrated when he picked one of the injured lads up in his arms and made the awful discovery that it was his own son.


Medical attention was hastily summoned, but the physicians readily saw that the lads' injuries were of a grave nature, and they ordered that they be conveyed to the Altoona hospital. They were placed on No. 81 and brought to this city, and later taken to the local institutions.


At 1.50 o'clock this morning the Elder boy died, after much suffering. The Thomas boy is in a very low condition and his death is expected at any moment. The physicians at the hospital fear that his death will result in a few hours. The condition of the Leiper boy is serious and little hopes are entertained for his recovery. At an early hour this morning he was resting easily, but his injuries are of such a serious nature that the physicians refuse to predict his recovery.


The Leiper and Elder boys are both sons of widows. The latter's father met a tragic death at Tyrone about a year ago, when in assisting in raising a safe into the First National bank building, one of the supports gave way and he was caught under the great weight, meeting death almost instantly.


The sad accident cast a gloom over the residents of Tyrone last night. It was generally the subject of conversation, and the greatest sympathy was expressed for the sorrowing parents. The burgess has decided to take vigorous measures to present a repetition of the occurrence, and will probably promulgate an edict forbidding coasting in streets that cross the railroad.


Altoona Times, Altoona, Pa., Friday, January 20, 1905, page 1


Were After Gas Company's Money in Restaurant Meter.


Would-be thieves effected an entrance to the cellar of H. H. Wilson's restaurant, 1016 Green avenue, early yesterday morning, but were frightened away before they secured anything. With a furnace poker they tried to pry off the lock of the gas meter, which contained a sum of money, being of the slot variety. The meter was damaged, causing it to leak, and an explosion was imminent until a gas company employe took it out.


Frank Short, night waiter, heard the marauders and notified Mr. Wilson, who secured a revolver and went after them. When they reached the cellar the intruders had made their escape through an open window.


Restauranteur Wilson has had trouble with robbers before. A month ago they stole $5 worth of meat from him, and returned in a few nights and stole $5 worth more.


Altoona Times, Altoona, Pa., Friday, January 20, 1905, page 2


Maimed and Injured.


John Meehan, the 13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Meehan, of 123 East Crawford avenue, while coasting on that avenue, between Twelfth and Second streets, collided with a farmer's sled. The boy was thrown from his sled and sustained numerous cuts and bruises about the face, besides injuring his right knee.


Mr. J. O. Foust, of 318 Second avenue, gang boss in the trimming department of the P.R.R. shops, while walking through a car tripped and fell, sustaining a severe sprain of the arm and shoulder.


Walter E. May, 1123 Ninth avenue, a helper in the upper machine shops, was daughter between driving wheels at 9 yesterday morning and squeezed. He was admitted to the hospital for treatment. His injuries are not serious, consisting of bruises of the hips.


W. C. Edmundson, a Pennsylvania Railroad brakeman, of Tyrone, was knocked off a box car in the station at Tyrone and received severe injuries early last night. He was taken to his home where a physician rendered medical attention.




Six male friends of Mr. Stiles E. Guilliford assembled at his home, 1331 Sixth avenue, on Wednesday to help him celebrate his birthday anniversary. An elaborate supper had been provided, whose goodness was fully attested by the manner in which it was attacked by Mr. Guilliford's guests. Music was a feature of the affair that was also highly appreciated by the young gentlemen.


The third of a series of ten euchre parties was held by St. Michael's social and literary society last evening in their hall. The euchre last evening was the largest attended of any previous ones and thirty tables were in operation. Much interest was manifested in the games and at the end ten ladies each had won 15 games, making them all tie for first prize. The cards was cut according to the mutual agreement and Miss Agnes Fox was awarded the first prize. Miss Mary Hartsock won the second ladies' prize, and the ladies' consolation prize was given to Mrs. Rickles. The first gentleman's prize was awarded to Mr. Benjamin Drass, who won fourteen games out of fifteen. Mr. Alexander Drass won the second and Mr. Philip Fox the consolation prize.




Mr. Charles Pimlott and mother of Scottdale, are visiting friends and relatives in the city.


Mr. B. Mateer, manager of Burns' livery, is taking in the automobile show at New York.


Mr. D. S. Drake, manager of the New Era Journal, of Huntingdon, was in the city yesterday attending the ceremonial session of the Shriners.


Mr. S. S. Mosser, buyer of dress goods and silks for W. F. Gable & Co., is in New York in the interest of his department. While in the east, he will look up the seasons newest spring offerings for the lady patrons of the big store.


Mr. Edward T. McDowell, chief boiler inspector for the Pennsylvania railroad company, has moved his family to Olean, N.Y., where he will take the foremanship of the boiler department in the new shops that Pennsylvania railroad company is building at that place.


Patrolmen Spangler and Vaughn arrested Milton Vaughn at Eleventh avenue and Fifteenth street yesterday afternoon for drunkenness and vagrancy.


Alleged That They Inflicted Permanent Injuries to Scholar.


As the result of cruel punishment, as is alleged, two informations have been made before Alderman John J. Irwin against Professors A. M. Jacobs and H. A. Brubaugh [sic], of the Juniata school, charging them with aggravated assault and battery and seriously injuring Walter, the 9-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Redding, of the borough.


The parents allege that Walter's teacher, Miss Grace Colestock, reported him to the principals for misconduct and that the principals cruelly whipped him, one holding him down while the other broke a ruler over him. The boy was whipped so severely, it is alleged, that he could not sleep that night and could not sit down. Dr. Kephart examined the boy's injuries and found that there was no telling how badly the boy was injured until after certain parts of his system underwent a change after administering his medicine. It is probable that his kidneys have been permanently injured, and Bright's disease may result.


Each of the principals furnished $100 for a hearing this afternoon.


Ickes - Shearer.


Mr. Bert Ickes and Miss Rose Shearer, two well known young people of this city, were married last evening at 7 o'clock by Rev. Father Smith, pastor of the Sacred Heart church. Mr. and Mrs. Ickes will reside for the present at the bride's home, 2210 Eighth avenue.


Altoona Times, Altoona, Pa., Friday, January 20, 1905, page 3




JOHN SAMUEL BART, a well known and highly respected citizen, at 3 o'clock yesterday morning, general debility causing his demise. His wife and seven children survive - John L., Charles M., W. S., Edward B., Mrs. H. Barnes, Mrs. Charles Hess, and Mrs. John Herr, all of Altoona. One brother and one sister also survive - Jeremiah Bart and Mrs. Dillie Hall, of Adams county. The funeral will take place on Monday from 1328 Second avenue, mass to be celebrated at Sacred Heart church at 10 o'clock. Interment will be made in Calvary cemetery.


MRS. A. LONG, foster mother of Mrs. Nettie Miller, of this city, died January 2, at her home in Oakland, Cal., aged 91 years. She was a native of Carlisle, Pa.


Funeral Notice.


The funeral services over the remains of John Holdeman, who died at the Altoona hospital took place last evening at 8 o'clock at the home of the son, at Kettle street and Blair avenue, East End. The remains will be taken to Lamont, Centre county, on the noon train today for interment.


Number of Novices Conducted Over Sands of Desert.


The East Side theatre yesterday afternoon and evening was an oasis to the members of Jaffa Temple, Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, and during the ceremonial session in the afternoon a number of novices were escorted across the burning sands and initiated into the mysteries of the order. Imperial Potentate, Illustrious Noble George T. Brown paid an official visit to Jaffa temple and the elaborate preparations for his entertainment were carried out in a manner eclipsing all previous gatherings and long to be remembered.


At 6 o'clock an intermission was taken and a feast was enjoyed in the Masonic temple. At 7.30 the ceremonial session was resumed and kept up until late last night. Following the ceremonial session a banquet was enjoyed in the Masonic temple.


Penn Traffic Opened.


The new Penn Traffic hotel, on Ninth avenue and Nineteenth street, was opened to the public on Wednesday night. The proprietor, Henry Rosenthal, had prepared an elaborate musical program, which was rendered in a manner appropriate for the occasion. The parlors were decorated and illuminated in a handsome manner and in this part of the new hotel the program was carried out. A number of vocal solos were rendered and music was rendered on stringed instruments. A bounteous supper was served to all who attended the opening.


Altoona Canton Inspected.


 At a meeting of Altoona Canton, No. 24, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, held last evening, Captain W. A. Miller, of Tyrone, inspected the canton. He was accompanied by a number of Tyrone members of the order who found the Altoona Canton in a flourishing condition. The Patriarchs Militant degree was conferred on a number of candidates and the secrets of the order made known to them. This evening Colonel H. E. Long, of the Altoona Canton, will inspect the Tyrone Canton.


Altoona Times, Altoona, Pa., Friday, January 20, 1905, page 5


Introduced in Select Council Last Evening by Mr. Breisacher.


An adjourned meeting of select council was held last evening with President Elder presiding and a members in their places excepting Mr. Keller.


Mr. Breisacher offered an ordinance authorizing the board of water commissioner to acquire by purchase or condemnation proceedings such lands, streams, etc., as may be necessary in order to increase the water supply of the city; referred to water committee.


The same gentleman offered another ordinance authorizing the expenditure of unappropriated money of the water department for the purpose of said department; referred to water committee.


By the same, an ordinance providing for the construction of a vitrified clay pipe sewer in Howard alley, between Lloyd and First streets; referred to highways and sewers.


By Mr. Crain, an ordinance for a sewer in First avenue, between Kettle and Lloyd streets; highways and sewers.


Resolutions: - By Mr. Breisacher, for satisfaction of lien against 413 Spruce avenue in name of G. L. Myers estate upon payment of original amount and penalty; finance. By Mr. Klesius, accompanied by a petition and blue print, providing for the annexation of certain tract of land in the Fourth ward; surveys. By Mr. Breisacher, making certain transfers of money in the water department, water. By Mr. Klesius, providing for the appointment of a special committee consisting of one member from select council and one member from common, who in conjunction the with mayor, city solicitor and board of water commissioners, who shall confer with the proper officials of the Pennsylvania Railroad company with a view of arriving at an amicable solution of the Tipton run affair; adopted, and on motion of Mr. Klesius the president, Mr. Elder, was appointed on the part of select.


The following common council ordinances were agreed to on third reading and adopted finally:


No. 1511, providing for the laying of a water main in Fifteenth avenue, between Nineteenth and Twenty-first streets.


No. 1514, to provide for the licensing and regulating of trading stamp dealers and of merchants, store keepers and shop keepers buying, selling or dealing in trading stamps, and to prohibit unlicensed persons from acting in such capacity.


No. 1520, authorizing the mayor to enter into an agreement with the Pennsylvania Railroad company, whereby the said company will grant to the city the privilege to occupy a piece of land at the Twenty-fourth street bridge as long as the city may need it, for approaches to the said bridge and another tract of land to be used by the city until such time as Pine avenue is graded and the approaches to the overhead bridge are completed, the city agreeing to take possession and charge of and maintain and keep in repair at all times the above mentioned overhead bridge.


A communication from Mayor Hoyer transmitting a request from Geo. H. Harper, chairman of committee asking for the use of council chamber for the annual meeting of Central Pennsylvania Humane society during a the first week of February. On motion of Mr. Painter the request was granted.


Common council resolutions:


Directing the city solicitor to submit schedule of worthless liens now appearing on the city lien dockets; concurred in.


Directing city solicitor to confess judgment in favor of Isaac Bender for $1,250 or such part thereof as may be shown by the city controller's books to be owing for sewers constructed in 1902; concurred in.


Directing the mayor, city clerk and city controller to execute and deliver to the city solicitor, power of attorney under the seal of the city, authorizing and empowering him to take such action as may be necessary in cases now pending in court, relative to the ownership of Tipton run; after over an hour's discussion the resolution was held over until the next regular meeting.




Miss Julia Duganne, the Gaysport school teacher who was injured in the Gaysport bridge trolley car accident a few months ago, was taken to Philadelphia last evening for treatment at the Hahnemann hospital.


There is not very much danger of Blair county being depopulated if the returns of assessors are any criterion on which to base an opinion. The ratio of births and deaths being almost 3 to 1. There were 1543 births against 834 deaths.


Mrs. Dora Culbert, wife of Scott Culbert, died at her home at Canoe Creek yesterday of consumption, aged 23 years. She leaves a husband but no children. The funeral will take place from the house on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Canoe Creek cemetery.


The genial Bill Shoemaker, who was deputized by Sheriff Bell to assist in taking prisoners to the Western penitentiary, has returned home. He says it is a model institution, but that he would rather sniff the pure free air of Blair county than to be confined long within the confines of the Allegheny county bastille.


Hon. Martin Bell, W. I. Woodcock, esq., John D. Blair, esq., Major J. L. Hartman, Landlord James W. Gromeller, Cashier John G. Shope, R. W. Smith, esq., and A. L. Garver, of Roaring Spring, went to Greensburg yesterday to attend a banquet given by Hon. George Huff at his palatial residence in that town.


James McCue, of North Montgomery street, made his first appearance on the streets yesterday after being confined at his home for two months by reason of an injury to his left thigh sustained in falling into a turntable pit at the Altoona roundhouse. He is just now able to perambulate with the aid of two canes.


Peter Morgan, proprietor of the cabbage flat farm, south of town, on his return home from a visit to Lancaster and Lebanon counties, has come to the conclusion that windmill power is a good thing for farmers and has had constructed and placed in position by local makers a real old fashioned Holland windmill with which he will operate a butter and cheese factory.


Charles W. Baird died at his home at Wilkinsburg yesterday of typhoid fever, aged 25 years. The deceased was born in Hollidaysburg and was a son of the late Martin K. Baird, ex-jail warden of Blair county. He was a popular young man and had many friends both in Altoona and this place who will learn of his untimely taking away with profound sorrow. He is survived by his wife Eva, and a little daughter. Also by his mother, Mrs. M. K. Baird, and two brothers, Roller, of South Amboy, N. J., and Martin, at home. The remains will be brought here for interment. The funeral arrangements will be announced later.


Altoona Times, Altoona, Pa., Friday, January 20, 1905, page 6




Peter J. Kinney, of 2223 Eleventh avenue, the extra freight conductor, who was thrown from his train at Gallitzin tunnel early yesterday morning, an account of which was published in the Times, died at the hospital at 4.30 o'clock yesterday morning from the effects of his injuries.


He arrived at the hospital at 2.45 and died at 4.30, his relatives having been notified and summoned to his bedside in the meantime.


Peter James Kenney [sic] was born in Pittsburg, December 16, 1876, and had resided in this city 18 years. He had followed railroading eight years and was an extra brakeman. He was a member of St. John's Catholic church, the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen and the Pennsylvania Railroad Relief association. He is survived by his father, Patrick Kenney, with whom he resided, and these brothers and sisters: Alice, wife of Cornelius Sheehan, of 2507 Maple avenue, John, Mary, Patrick, James, Elizabeth and Francis. The body was turned over to Undertaker Joseph Stevens & Son to prepare for burial and later was removed to his father's home.


The funeral will take place Tuesday morning. The cortege will leave the house at 8.30 and proceed to St. John's Pro-Cathedral, where mass will be celebrated at 9. Interment in Calvary cemetery.


New Officials of Camp 40, P. O. of A., Assume Positions


The following officers of Camp No. 49, Patriotic Order of America, were installed on Tuesday evening and placed in their respective stations by District President Susan S. Price, of Roaring Spring; past president, Kate Harlin; assistant president, W. H. Root; vice president, Minda Cromer; assistant vice president, Olive Irvin; conductor, Myrtle Weaver; assistant conductor, Charles M. Strawser; recording secretary, Jerre Weaver; assistant recording secretary, Ida Gettleman; financial secretary, A. G. Harrison; treasurer, W. R. Marks; sentinel, J. H. Barnes; trustee, W. H. Root; chaplain, Kate Gettleman; orator, William Irvin.


After the installation ceremony marks [remarks?] intended for the good of the order were made by the district president and others. The old war horse in the order, Joseph Price, of Roaring Spring, amused and delighted the members by an appropriate speech.


The camp is in a flourishing condition. Although less than eighteen months old, it has a membership of 107 members. Five new members were initiated Tuesday evening and even [sic] applications were received. It is considered one of the best orders in the city. At 12 cents per week dues, it gives $3 weekly sick benefits, and through the general fund, controlled by the national camp, $250 in case of death.


Altoona Times, Altoona, Pa., Friday, January 20, 1905, page 7



Victims of Tuesday's Accident Much Improved Yesterday.


Stephen Rock, the Slavish Foreman who had his face badly torn by a delayed explosion of dynamite yesterday was considerably improved at the hospital today.


Market Clerk G. W. Burket, who was kicked by a vicious horse at the Green avenue market stand yesterday, was able to be out of the house yesterday.


William Zimmerman, the Pittsburg division brakeman who has both legs crushed at Cresson yesterday, was much improved yesterday.


The condition of Miss Edith Gibbons, of 408 First avenue, who fell from a rear porch at her home Tuesday evening, is much improved and she will be able to be about in a few days.


Mrs. S. L. McCarthy, wife of Dr. S. L. McCarthy, who has been seriously ill for the past two weeks, is convalescing rapidly and will be able to be about in a few days.


Mr. G. A. Askew, of 1416 Eighth street, who had been critically ill with neuralgia of the heart, is slowly convalescing and hopes are now entertained for his speedy recovery.


Mrs. George Wagner, of 509 Sixth street, who had been very seriously in with typhoid fever, is slightly improved.


Street Commissioner Robert Vaughn is confined to his home by an attack of la grippe and rheumatism.


William Tracy, of 608 Nineteenth street, whose serious illness from lockjaw was mentioned yesterday morning, is resting somewhat easier and hopes are now entertained for his recovery.


Lieutenant of Police W. T. Howard, who has been confined to his home for the past two weeks is convalescing.


Mrs. Wallace Cherry is seriously ill at her home on Pine avenue near Twentieth street.


William Miller, an apprentice boy in Joseph A. Bailey's barber shop on Seventeenth street, is confined to his home, 2409 Fifth avenue, with serious illness.




Rockey - Barclay.


Miss Mary L. Barclay and Mr. Willias [Willis] F. Rockey were united in marriage in the parsonage of the First Lutheran church at 7 o'clock last evening by the Rev. O. C. Roth. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Davis. After the ceremony a wedding supper was served at the home of the bride, 1013 Sixteenth street, which was attended by a number of friends of the contracting parties.


The groom is a popular young man formerly of Bellefonte, and is employed in No. 1 erecting shop. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barclay and is an estimable young lady. Mr. and Mrs. Rockey left on a wedding trip to the groom's home in Bellefonte and other eastern cities and upon their return will reside in this city.




Mr. Lloyd Snyder, of Harrisburg and Miss Bertha Ross, of Altoona, were quietly married at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ross, 1035 Third avenue, by Rev. Henry Howard Stiles, pastor of the Second Presbyterian church. Miss Elizabeth Nicewonger was the ring bearer. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder departed on eastern express on a visit to eastern cities. They will be at home to their friends after February 1, at 1530 Fifth street, Harrisburg.




Mr. Frederick Alden Nolder, formerly of Petersburg, and Miss Jennie Wallace, of 228 Second avenue, were married at 7 o'clock Wednesday evening at the parsonage of the First United Brethren church by Rev. G. L. Graham. The groom is employed in the Pennsylvania railroad shops in this city. They will reside at 228 Second avenue.




At noon yesterday, at the residence of Mr. Thomas D. McCauley, Wopsy road and High avenue, Miss Myrtle McCauley was united in marriage to Mr. Robert N. Rigg, of Tyrone, the Rev. J. S. James, D.D., pastor of the First Baptist church, officiating.


Married in Philadelphia.


Dr. George Robinson Glass, of South Fork, and Miss Edith Elizabeth Kacy, of Philadelphia, were married Wednesday at the bride's home. Dr. Robinson was at one time endorsed by the Democrats of Blair and Cambria counties for state senator.




To Elwood B. Winkleman, of Nittany, Centre county, and Gertrude A. Eastley, of Walker, Centre county.


To George G. Ickes and Rose E. Sherer, both of Altoona.


To Francis D. Glass and Mary Lingenfelter, both of Claysburg.


To Lloyd W. Snyder, of Harrisburg and Bertha May Ross, of Altoona.


To Willis T. Rockey and Mary L. Barclay, both of Altoona.


To Fred Allen Nolder, of Petersburg, and Jennie Wallace, of Altoona.


Altoona Times, Altoona, Pa., Friday, January 20, 1905, page 8




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